Digital Humanism

De-Growthing Sustainable Development
Michael Kneidl (AT/ DE), Magdalena Haidacher (AT), Margarita Köhl (AT)
The first workshop (facilitated by Michael Kneidl) of this series is dedicated to disruptive life prototyping. The participants will experiment with existing tools and new technologies, de-construct and redesign them to accomplish new tasks for them. In the second workshop of this series, “Mapping the (Im)possibility of Change”, Magdalena Haidacher and Margarita Köhl will explore the ways of thinking and practicing sustainable development beyond an all-pervading logic of growth together with the participants. Additionally, impactful projects created by InterMedia BA and MA students at Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences will be featured in the frame of an online exhibition.

Future Communities’ In(ter)ventions I: Spatial Co-Lab
Jasmin Fischbacher (AT), Michael Kneidl (AT/ DE)
The first workshop of this series, titled Spatial Co-Lab (facilitated by Jasmin Fischbacher), will start with an audio-walk that lets us immerse ourselves in the future, from which we move back to the present. The second part of this workshop series, the Disruptive Life Hacking Lab by Michael Kneidl (AT) will be dedicated to the question of how design can add to fostering planetary consciousness.

Diaries in the Deal of COVID-19
FBI Lab (TW)
Taiwan was lucky to survive the COVID-19 attack last year. In May of this year, we could not escape from the real challenge of COVID-19. The whole Taiwan suddenly entered the third level of alert. During the epidemic, many things had to be adjusted and redesigned in time. Every building entrance is covered with QR-Code, everyone has become a “sticker man” and a “mask man”. People “qualify” to enter buildings only if they wear masks, get a temperature sticker and scan the QR-Code. Under the epidemic, everyone’s right to life is equal. The society has produced an alternative democracy. The order of freedom and rights are reorganized. We launched the “Diaries in the Deal of COVID-19" campaign, and encouraged everyone to create and record his diary during the epidemic. On September 10th, we will hold a press forum where everyone will show their diary and share their thoughts and life experiences during the epidemic.

PostSensorium. Stranger Senses
Kwan Q Li (HK/US), Pohao Chi (TW/US), Weihan Jiang (CN/US), Weilu Ge (CN/US), Kelon Cen (CN/US), Ieva Viksne (LV), Gustavs Lociks (LV), Jung Eun Lee (KR/DE), Christina Vinke (DE)
“ live means first and foremost to look, taste, feel, and smell the world around us.” (Emanuele Coccia, 2016) With more recent enhancements of immersive and sensing technologies, our 'sensoriums' have intensified and become more mediated than ever before. Art and concepts (that are our “strange tools” – coined by contemporary philosopher Alva Noë (2015)) are perfect instruments to stimulate our perception.

Entrance Deal
Su-Ch Hsu (TW), Chen-Hua Lu (TW), FBI Lab (TW), Chiao-Chi Chou (TW), You-Yang Hu (TW), Jiahe Zhao (CN), Xuezhi Liu (CN), Shih-Hung Ku (TW), IoA/NTHU (TW), Yuan-Fu Yang (TW) & Iuan-Kai Fang (TW)
With the rapid development of science and technology, many changes have occurred in society, politics and life. There are many different “entrances” in science, in society, in emotion, and in ecology. Some of these entrances allow us to explore the roots of life, some make our society a paradigm shift, some make subtle changes in emotions between people, and some even bring a huge change in the world.

CoBot Studio
LIT Robopsychology Lab, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (AT), Center for Human-Computer Interaction, Universität Salzburg (AT), JOANNEUM RESEARCH – ROBOTICS (AT), Polycular OG (AT), Österr. Forschungsinstitut für Artificial Intelligence OFAI (AT), Blue Danube Robotics GmbH (AT), Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)
When humans and robots work side by side, it’s not always easy: widespread skepticism and a lack of communication paradigms will create new challenges in future work environments. How can trust and acceptance be established in the workplace of the future? How can human-robot work environments be designed?

Ars Electronica Futurelab Networking Session: Meet the Alchemists
Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)
Das Ars Electronica Futurelab ist ein Think-Tank aus Künstler*innen, Forscher*innen und Expert*innen aus den unterschiedlichsten Disziplinen; ein kreatives System, das seit 25 Jahren die Rahmenbedingungen dafür schafft, die Grenzen und Möglichkeiten der Gegenwart zu überwinden. Für ein gemeinsames Ziel: Der technologische Fortschritt in unserer Gesellschaft muss im Interesse der Menschlichkeit stehen.

Journey Video
Journey - The Lehar Theatre In Bad Ischl hosts a physical exhibition showcasing works of students from the master’s semester studio (University of Innsbruck) & the artist in residence at AUF! AUF! Residency.

Alchemists of the Future: Online Video Journey
Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)
With this Online Video Journey, Hideaki Ogawa, Director at the Ars Electronica Futurelab invites you to become part of a shared mission. Find out what you can expect on your way through the ideas and visions from 25 years of the past, present and future of the Alchemists of the Future in this video tour that takes you through the exhibits in the Ars Electronica Center.

Alchemists of the Future: (Special) Guided Journey
Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)
Demystify for yourself what future basically means and let yourself be taken into the future through Guided Journeys by our info trainers, Special Guided Journeys by artists and researchers from the Ars Electronica Futurelab or online.