
ALMA presents “Fragments : The Shape of Things”
ALMA : Marc-André Cossette (CA) & Alexandre Saunier (CA/FR).
“Fragments: The Shape of Things” questions how automated data processing systems impact the perception of social relations and global conflicts, notably in terms of their anonymization and aestheticization.

Montreal Life Support & Woulg present “Empty Vessels”
Montreal Life Support (CA/UK) & Woulg (CA)
« Empty Vessels » is a uniquely complex AV performance that merges robotics, AI neural networks, classical instrumentation and experimental metaphysics.

Performance 'New Ritual'
SaaWee: Sita Chay(KR), Jihye Kim(KR), Insoo Park(KR)
'New Ritual' is a spiritual performance that combines Korean shamanic rhythms, traditional mask dance, and modern musical language to embrace humanity and heal the wounds of modern society. The performance has five sections and begins with an entry into an artistic spiritual trance through counterclockwise motion.

Stories We Told Ourselves
Daniel Hutchinson (ZA), Reza Khota (ZA), Zorada Temmingh (ZA), Nicholas Aphane (ZA), Kyla-Rose Smith (US/ZA), Eugene Skeef (UK/ZA), Garth Erasmus (ZA)
Curated by composer and music educator Daniel Hutchinson, Stories We Told Ourselves is an online music series with new works in video format created in isolation by six outstanding artists: Reza Khota, Zorada Temmingh, Nicholas Aphane, Kyla-Rose Smith, Eugene Skeef, and Garth Erasmus. Through their works, the six participants reflect on the theme of isolation during the Covid-19 lockdowns, and the stories they told themselves to cope during this period. While the first three works showcase their improvisation approaches through the jazz guitar, pipe piano organ, and expressive dance, respectively, the latter three fuse original scores with photography, visual art and poetry.

What The Hunter Saw
Makinde Adeniran (NG), Jerry Adesewo (NG)
The Abuja ARS Garden will also feature a premiere of What the Hunter Saw, a play by Makinde Adeniran, directed by Adesewo Fayaman Bay will be part of our offerings during the festival. Hunter Sho is the lead character in What the Hunter Saw, a character which depicts the personality of one of the world’s greatest literary giants of all time, Nigeria’s Professor Wole Soyinka.

Women in Arts
The Abuja ARS Garden is an evening of literary renditions and talks, participants are welcome to join us via zoom or YouTube and are welcome to drop their comments or participate live in the talk session where we'll be discussing Women in Media Arts. The Abuja ARS Garden 2021 is an evening of literary performances dedicated to Women in the Arts in Nigeria, particularly in the City of Abuja located in central Nigeria.

Sonic Garden - Sun. Sep 12
Sote (IR/US), Kimia Koochakzadeh-Yazdi (IR/CA), Navid Asadi (IR)
Ata Ebtekar aka Sote (b. Hamburg, Germany) is an Iranian-American electronic music composer and sound artist based in Tehran, Iran. In the past 30 plus years, his music has been published by various companies, such as Warp Records, Sub Rosa, Opal Tapes, Diagonal, Morphine and Repitch among others. (11 albums, numerous eps, singles and compilation appearances)

Sonic Garden - Sat. Sep 11
Rojin Sharafi (IR/AT), mHz (IR/NZ), Houman Hoorsan (IR)
Rojin Sharafi (IR/AT) is a Vienna-based, Tehran-born sound artist, performer and composer of acoustic and electronic music, freely crossing the borders between genres. She creates entirely unique musical textures using analogue, acoustic and augmented instruments, as well as digital tools of her own devising. She is currently pursuing her masters in sound engineering and composition at the Vienna University of Music and Performing Arts. Her debut album “Urns Waiting to be Fed,” with Zabte Zote, has been lauded as “one of [2019’s] most ecstatic and fiercely original hours of music.”

Sonic Garden - Fri. Sept. 10
Siavash Amini (IR), Active Listeners Club (IR), Sepand Jamshidy (IR), Dariush Sardari (IR)
Siavash Amini (IR) is a composer from Tehran, Iran. He has worked with renowned international labels Room40, Hallow Ground, Opal Tapes and Umor Rex for the better half of the past 10 years.

Sonic Garden - Thu. Sep 9
Saba Alizadeh (IR), Sohrab Motabar (IR), Reza Atashran (IR)
Saba Alizadeh (IR): Born in Tehran in 1983, Saba Alizadeh is an unparalleled figure at the forefront of contemporary Iranian music. Alizadeh subsequently studied experimental sound practices at Calarts in Los Angeles. He began expanding his musical cosmos utilizing different instruments and methods of composing. Apart from Kamancheh, no-input mixer, modular synthesizer, laptop have been the main instruments that Alizadeh has created his sonic cosmos with. Alizadeh also uses a lot of manipulated historic audio recordings and field recordings in a neo-musique concrète fashion. Treating sound as an object has always been Alizadeh’s fascination.