School of the Future
School of the Future - Open Studio
A global authority in media art and electronic music, Ars Electronica has been working on the School of the Future project together with TOKYO MIDTOWN since 2017. In connection with this year’s Ars Electronica Festival 2021-A New Digital Deal-, a special online talk session SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE -OPEN STUDIO-, will be held. Inviting Daito Manabe, who is an artist and one of the jury in this year's Prix Ars Electronica, members from Ars Electronica and TOKYO MIDTOWN discuss the cultural technology of the future while looking back over this year's award-winning projects.
Cooking for Freedom
Maria Felices (CL)
What is freedom for you? For many, freedom is just a matter of doing “Whatever we want”. So we go around thinking that we are free; But blackmail starts from within as we get to cover our needs, We decide to study, to get a job so we can “Pay the bills”, but at the end of the day we give up our time for money. Now with that money we think that we can buy “Whatever we want” but now we don’t have our time, so rush into the supermarket to get our food, as it will be easier to get it from there, now big corporations also control what we eat. But the decisions that we make are given by the possibilities of our contexts, and for years we have the illusion of choice.
Conversations - What is the Fabulous Republic of the Mountain?
Enrique Rivera (CL), Ignacio Cueva Puyol (CL), Fabian Andrade (CL)
The Republic of the Mountain is constituted as a utopian micronation, decentralized and intangible, which activates an ephemeral appearance from the foothills of the Andes towards the limits of our perception, to find out more join us in this conversation with Enrique Rivera, our art curator and get to become a citizen of the republic.
Technology and the Challenge of Education
Pedro Cruz Rivera, José David Torres Quiñones, Jorge Valentine
This webinar series takes a closer look at the importance of democratizing technological tools and the practical applications of technology in education. Computer Vision is one of the most important subsets of Machine Learning (ML) and it is the technology that powers Augmented Reality (AR) filters, among other things. Another technological tool that is becoming more accessible to the general public is Virtual Reality (VR).
Faculty of Design, Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences (AT), in cooperation with ORF Vorarlberg (AT)
Our perception of the present is determined by the media. But do we also learn what our future looks like from the media? And if the media are so decisive for us, what does medias’ future look like?
Science Gallery Dublin (IE) featuring work by Mushon Zer-Aviv (IL), Libby Heaney (GB), Johann Diedrick (US), and Noah Levenson (US)
Explore AI, ethics, trust and justice by spending some time navigating and interacting with a brand-new exhibition platform designed exclusively by Science Gallery Dublin for online use.
Curation: Andreas Ingerl (DE) & Moritz Schell (DE). Participating Students: Maria Bürger (DE), Elena Kunau (RU), Hoang Quynh Nguyen (DE), Felix Sewing (DE) & Mariya Yordanova (BG) et al.
The exhibition ARTIFICIAL REALITY – VIRTUAL INTELLIGENCE showcases student projects that deal with these questions: By means of a Brain Computer Interface, the emotional state of the participant influences the perception of the virtual world.
New(Castle) Education Model
Panel: Michele Oshan (AU) Dr Braddon Snape (AU) Professor Mario Minichiello (IT/US) Professor Paul Egglestone (UK) Host: Kristefan Minski (AU)
A virtual tour provides an interesting insight into a new education model that is being formed in the City of Newcastle. One that promotes collaboration between academia, governance, industry and the arts community.