Marina Freccia (DE), Thomas Schneider (AT), Felix Zabel (AT), Tore Minte (DE), Wolfgang Fiel (AT), NANK Co:llaboratory arteq.io

Creative community production needs a fair model of synchronisation, hierarchy and remuneration, and it should also be cool. 1HWork updates the production operating system with the ΚΔ index, which pursues a fairer remuneration of work, and with the currency to go with it-the CO฿IE- machine hours can then be purchased in the Fablab or art in the NFT community arteQ.

KEHAI: Liquid Mirror Series - Square -
Kaito Sakuma (JP)

With the isolation due to COVID-19, we have become too dependent on what we see on monitors; we have lost the opportunity and the ability to perceive the invisible. People will hear the sounds from the Mirror and may sense the same “kehai (sign).” This mirror may be a new way of communicating. This project will explore the nature of communication that is non-verbal and common to all living things.

Ory Yoshifuji (JP)

Avatar Robot Cafe is a social implementation project to develop "OriHime,"an avatar robot that can be operated by people who have limited mobility and help people with disabilities to have jobs. We are presenting questions and solutions for a society where employment of the disabled is not enough. Join us at the demonstration and find out more about our cafe and its cause.

Harpreet Sareen (US/IN/JP), Franziska Mack (DE/US), Yasuaki Kakehi (JP)

Algaphon is a hybrid installation where algae bubbles that ring at Minnaert frequency near algal filaments are rendered audible through a hydrophone. Online visitors can leave a voice message that is translated into photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) variations in a remote aquarium. The response of the algae bubble response to human speech is then recorded and sent back to the visitor to engage in a reflective dialog with algal species.

The Burst of Things / Where are we standing?
María Ignacia Court (CL), Trinidad Piriz (CL)

The Burst of Things is a sound series that tells the history of Chile’s social movements from the perspective of the objects that shaped them: saucepans, yellow vests, metro turnstiles, face masks, retired police weapons, and the Chilean Constitution. Where are we standing? takes as its starting point the final episode of The Burst of Things and continues the journey of this lost Constitution through the production of a film essay/interactive performance accessible online. We want to explore issues of uncertainty, loss, memory and desire.

!Cartesian Shell
Maja Smrekar (SI), Jonas Jørgensen (DK)

A soft robot with mesh reinforced silicone that morphs and deforms from a flat 2D surface into ever-changing 3-dimensional organic abstract shapes, through the use of pressurized air. Rather than mimicking the abstraction of capital that thrives from all life– through work and force–being directly transformed into (inflated) power, the intercrossing human-dog-AI-robot constellation establishes frames of reference that assert the distributed, networked, and open-ended character of evolution, turning segregation into autonomy and circumventing emergent technologies and their aims.

See me, feel me, touch me ... hear me & heal me ...
Hana Zeqa, Laura Thaçi, Elisabeth Mirnig & Werner Jauk (2021)

Ejercicios de aridez | Aridity Exercises
Celeste Rojas Mugica (CL/AR)

Ejercicios de aridez (Aridity Exercises), a project developed between 2017 and 2021, is focused on the image of a 2 kilometer long "corvo" knife, a historic emblem of the Chilean Armed Forces, meticulously drawn with chalk on the surface of the Atacama Desert, the driest place on earth. There is no certainty as to the drawing’s authorship, though the image demonstrates intent, and the persistence of the physical territory where it’s etched.

Cypress Trees, a beginning
Anna Ridler (UK), Caroline Sinders (US)

How can AI help us to face the climate crisis and other entwined challenges? This machine-learning-generated moving image piece gives insights into the complexity of data sets and raises questions about deforestation and the politics of climate change, memory and loss. Anna Ridler and Caroline Sinders created a special dataset of the Bald Cypress on the gulf coast of the USA, where both have family ties.

Moon Rabbit
Sarah Petkus (US), Mark J. Koch (US)

In a research and development phase lasting several months, Sarah Petkus and Mark J. Koch attempt to teach a suite of artificial intelligences to recognize familiar shapes and objects in images of star clusters, planetary surfaces, and other celestial bodies.