On the territory of a modern city bioinert soil systemsbecome part of the urbantechnobicenosis and irreversibly change under theinfluence of many anthropogenic andtechnogenic factors. Urban soils and techno-soils,encased in the armor of asphalt andpaving slabs, are also formed under the influenceof constant vibrations from various typesof electromechanical systems. Urban transport, ventilationand air conditioning systems,large and small industrial enterprises create constantvibrational fields of sonic andinfrasonic frequencies which propagate in solids athigh speed and carry a huge amount ofenergy absorbed and dissipated by the soils.
Sound performance “Techno-soils. Vibrofabricat “isdedicated to working with vibrationalfields of urban techno-soils. The streams of mechanicalenergy captured with the geophonesbecome audible when the equilibrium states of theauthor’s electroacoustic system of thePhonotrone type are violated.