Kunstuni Campus

Infinite Nows

Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), Interaction Design Department IAD (CH)

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Linz, Kunstuniverstität Linz, Hauptplatz 8

Curator: Karmen Franinovic
Coordination and visuals: Erika Marthins
Exhibition team: Martin Dusek, Luke Franzke and Marcial Koch

Infinite Nows is showcasing student projects of the Interaction Design department (IAD) at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). Probing alternative presents through investigative, speculative and experimental practices, Infinite Nows’ projects reflect the values and approaches of IAD that have been shaped over its 20-year existence. Interaction design is, above, all about the relationality and entanglement of human and non-human actions.

Infinite Nows proposes a variety of ways of taking action that allow us the space to be with and learn from the other. The exhibition looks at a range of topics including cross-species interaction, self-perception in deepfakes, inclusive voting systems, antisocial media platforms and other interactive technologies that produce moments of sharing, presence and care.

Dialoguing with Ecologies

Andreas Bütler (CH), Fabian Frey (CH)

Exploring Forms of Dialogue with the Ecology of Bark in an Interspecies Design Process

The Dialoguing with Ecologies group created several tools for various forms of dialoguing with the ecology of living bark, to start a long term dialogue with the organism that evolves over time. At the end stands the Organic Gate, it offers the possibility of a human-nature dialogue by transmitting questions to the ecology through a digital interface.


Lilian Lopez (CH), Sonjoi Nielsen (CH), Yangzom Sharlhey (CH)

Personendepot is a social anti-social media platform without likes, comments and followers, yet it is the most personal platform. It enables a feeling of connection without actually being connected.

On Souls and Soil

Duy Bui (CH)

On Souls and Soil investigates landscapes of colonialism, capitalism and displacement, and sheds light on soil’s entanglements with history, culture, politics and science.

Faketual Reality

Paulina Zybinska (CH)

Faketueal Reality is an audiovisual installation, which investigates the understanding of “fake” and “real” in correlation with the growing ability of synthetic media. In the participatory and individualised experience, the audience encounters themselves with a twisted version of their own persona.


Marcial Koch (CH)

While our auditory system provides us with cues to perceive our surroundings, this ability stays rather passive to protect us from overstimulation. Hearo provides tools to actively explore our acoustic perception of space.


Daniel Holler (CH), Vinzenz Leutenegger (CH)

The social platform Votetandem.org aims to promote inclusive voting by giving the disenfranchised in the Swiss population an opportunity to have a political say.

Tales of Arid’Nu

Aurelian Ammon (CH), Carlo Natter (CH)

The project aims to reimagine the potential of machines as independently performing agents, and to stimulate a new methodology for the design of artificial life.

Journey to Recovery

Claudia Buck (CH), Randy Chen (CH)

Journey to Recovery is a therapeutic companion app that helps children use a sleeping device with AR and keeps them engaged by means of a captivating and informative story.

Tongue Interactions

Jennifer Duarte (CH)

Myofunctional therapy is a proven treatment for sleep apnea and snoring. In this project a novel tongue interface allows users to perform a gamified therapy to increase the perception of the tongue movement and to keep them motivated during treatment.

Amt für Kleinstdelikte

Martin Dušek (CH), Jannic Mascello (CH)

This project presents a series of speculative objects that allow us to easily adjudicate and punish micro-offenses. It questions if we want to live in a society where inconsequential offenses are punished, and asks who should do the policing.

The Affordance of Cattle

Marco Ehrenmann (CH), Thomas Schertenleib (CH)

Investigating the transformation process from animal to meat led to three speculative devices. They suggest alternative killing methods, and thus promote a more conscientious meat consumption.


Colin Lüönd (CH), Fabrice Spahn (CH)

A series of interactive objects represent a discourse of noise, communication and sense of time in the workspace. Through a playful and tangible experience, the workplace is reinterpreted.

Holiday Hacks

Gian Klainguti (CH)

A future where intelligent VR systems turn homes into convincingly real mixed-reality destinations that cater to all of our senses is envisioned. Exploring remote locations in the past, present and future, answers are sought around the nature of reality, yet more questions are raised.

Deep Vision

Florian Bruggisser (CH)

The work examines machine vision and its translation into visualisations, the interface between artificial and human perception.​​ The audience is given the opportunity to not only understand the inner workings of the machine but also to reflect upon the constantly evolving interdependence between the user and technology.

Taste Lab

Erika Marthins (SE), Stella Speziali (CH), Juan García (BR)

A multi-sensory experiment involving taste, sound and touch. This experiment uses VR as a medium to trick our brain and explore the roles played by our senses while eating.

Mission Eternity Tamatar

Silvan Zurbrügg (CH), Collaboration partner: etoy

Tamatar investigates the principles of self-organization applied to autonomous physical objects for the purpose of communication. Equipped with the ability to communicate with each other, it shall be possible for the objects to act as a collective and react to the others’ impulses.

Rare Necessities

Nadine Cocina (CH)

By exploring the growing intimacy outside of the typical purpose and functionality of technologies, this work manifests itself as a speculative short film, allowing us to reimagine our technological experiences and their broader impact.


Andrin Gorgi (CH), Marcial Koch (CH), Shaën Reinhart (CH)

We live in our body and yet we know almost nothing about it. Wearalab refers to the most important database of human beings, the blood, and embodies the values of life.