Nature of Prototyping

Live the Moment

Pin-Hsien Lin (TW), Sin-Ying Bai (TW) and Yan-Sin Lin (TW)

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Since most people live in an artificial environment, we often do not notice the current changes in the climate. Live the moment is an artwork that uses the interaction of VR and physical scenes to provoke people to think about their relationship with the environment at the present moment. The original artwork involves the use of the mobile platform for space exchange. At this festival, due to space constraints, we will use other forms to present the artwork.


Pin-Hsien Lin: Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art and Technology, National Tsing Hua University. Often creates interactive installations and VR works.

Sin-Ying Bai: Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art and Technology, National Tsing Hua University. Often makes experiments with different media

Yan-Sin Lin: Double major in Technology and Art, and EECS at National Tsing Hua University. Works are mainly interactive installations.