Sound Campus – Presentations
Metaknoten (DE), Circuit Control (DE), Rundgang Ausstellung Masterstudiengang Design & Computation (Universität der Künste Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, DE)

media-van-lab: when the wind blows from the East, we make art and (sur)render reality
Vilnius Academy of Arts (LT), MENE (LT), INSTITUTIO MEDIA (LT)

Right after the pandemic, young artists in Lithuania were hit by the war. The unrest in neighboring countries enabled them to work out how to calm down, find new ways of communication, come up with methods for resilience and survival. Let’s make art and (sur)render new virtualities to help Ukraine win. All in order to strive and continue making art. We already have Planet B more real than ever!

Robots, Bass, and Hot Algorithms!
Portrait XO (US), Moritz Simon Geist (DE)

Robots, Bass, and Hot Algorithms! In this performance AI artist Portrait XO enters the stage with Moritz Simon Geist, featuring techno robots and an AI collaborator. Hard Times — Soft Sounds

Voice in Sight
Jia-Yu Ku (TW)

Hearing-impaired people, although able to perceive sounds through their hearing aids, still have difficulty hearing clearly. When sounds cannot be fully received, everything is observed and understood visually. In this artwork, sound is transformed into waves of colors that can be displayed visually. The special device helps translate the world of auditory stimuli into visual code and presents the situation of a hearing loss through the poetry of colors and visual metaphors.

Creative Europe – Get-Together

We cordially invite our European partners and the members of our network to join us for the Creative Europe Get-Together. The Creative Europe program is a funding scheme of the European Union to support the culture, creative and audiovisual sector. This meeting gives members of cultural institutions the chance to network in a relaxed atmosphere.

Mother Gilgamesh. Linzer Klangwolke 22 presented by Sparkasse Oberösterreich & Linz AG
Brucknerhaus (AT)

Under the direction of Pierre Audi, visitors can expect an epochal journey into the mystical world of the gods between past, present and future, between earth, sky and underworld, faith, love and hope, full of impressive and breathtaking surprises.


Nachtalb is an immersive installation that enables brain-to-brain interaction. With the help of electroencephalography, brain activity is measured, reduced to a main frequency and translated in multisensory Virtual Reality.

Beyond Quantum Music — LP Duo
Sonja Lončar (RS/NL), Andrija Pavlović (RS/NL), Incredible Bob (RS)

LP Duo will premiere new original compositions written for two hybrid pianos within the art and science project Beyond Quantum Music and during their residency at the Kavli Institute — Quantum Nanoscience and Bionanoscience department (Technical University in Delft, Netherlands)

Opening Ars Electronica and Festival University 2022, Ocean Overture (Closed Event)

A literary and musical performance with texts from Stefan Zweig, read by Karl Markovics and Julia Franz Richter. With music by Claude Debussy and Philip Glass played by Maki Namekawa.

Ver-Hand-lung versus? Ver-Hand-eln
Werner Jauk (AT), Laura Sophie Meyer (DE)

Premise: The work is based on the German language, which allows the process of „Ver-hand-lung“ / negotiation to be etymologically derived from „ver-hand-eln“ through „handling“ hands. It thus iconically describes a symbolic process of negotiation, being present in english language more in the context of commercial activity as a cultural mediatization of its bodily „handling“ basis.