Postdigital Natures of Planet B
Postdigital Natures of Planet B explores the roles of natural and virtual environments in the context of architecture. In doing so it incorporates a series of novel, organic, and alternative building materials to create an alternative inhabitable ecosphere for human and non-human agents.

Klaus Spiess (AT), Ulla Rauter (AT), Emanuel Gollob (AT), Rotraud Kern (AT)
By 2100, one third of biological species and nine tenths of languages will have disappeared. Under the impact of this simultaneous decline in diversity, we design ECOLALIA, a poetry of extinction and disappearance as a deep learning process emanating from the real-time chemo-vibrational conditioning of oral microbes. Audiences visually and aurally attune their speech sounds to the life and death of their fragile oral flora, becoming bilingual co-authors of the post-anthropocene.

Project Percentage
Yi-Wen Lin (TW), Lien-Cheng Wang (TW), Aluan Wang (TW), Jinyao Lin (TW), Che-Yu Wu (TW), Newyellow (TW)
Project Percentage is a nonprofit social innovation experiment based in Taiwan, combining digital art and social action. With the total number of 10,000 generative art NFTs, Project Percentage takes the number of the creations as a symbol of the landscapes "the top 100 peaks" in Taiwan. Collectors are invited to form a DAO, and all donations will be pooled with cryptocurrency public funds. There will be an exhibition of generative art of Project Percentage and an audiovisual performance.

Biobot: AI ARThropods
Zoran Srdić Janežič (SI)
Biobot uses biotech and software developments to create an artistic narrative about the bio-technological body and its representation. The project is focused on tissue engineering and the harvesting of an electric signal from neurons which influences the movement and shape of a biobot.

Echinoidea Future — Adriatic Sensing
Robertina Šebjanič (SI)
The project addresses the current biogeological and morphological conditions in the sea urchin environment, which is aqua-formed by anthropogenic liquid waste, resulting in low oxygen levels in the water. Exploring the stressors of the local/global human footprint, the project demonstrates the resilience of the aquatic species. The project acts as an activation of (sy)(e)mpathia. The main research was carried out in the coastal region of the Adriatic Sea at the UR Institute, Dubrovnik (STARTS4water).

the Intersection
Superflux (GB)
Superflux‘s film The Intersection journeys from a violent present to a cooperative future. Set within a possible hopeful future, several years after growing inequality and the splintering of reality reached a critical mass. The story features diverse protagonists recounting personal past experiences and their place in the emergence of the future they now live in — both the chaos and the hope that surfaced afterwards.

Feral Automated System: ULTB-1
Posthuman Studies Lab (RU)
The project outlines the interconnections between vegetal and computing systems in a vein of current ecological crises and diverse narrations about alternative futures. Excavating Soviet narratives of building a common world that embraces not only humans, but animals, plants and machines, we created a network composed of both vegetal and digital parts that include chips and internet protocols, along with phytomining technology and plant-based computing architectures.

Living Dead — On the Trail of a Female
Laura Deborah Cinti (IT/ZA)
Living Dead — On the Trail of a Female (2022) is a biodiversity-focused project involving the search for a female mate for one of the rarest plants on Earth, the extinct-in-the-wild male cycad — the Encephalartos woodii.

Hypothetical Moments
Charles Amirkhanian (US), Carol Law (US)
New videos of early experiments in performance media by two artists using invented tools, ambient sound recordings, text, electronic music and photography. The resulting montages for the eye and ear evoke both humorous and psychological spaces in the mind! Dare to Watch.

Kat Austen (UK/DE) and Fara Peluso (IT/DE)
Ouroborous proposes a bioplastic LP record based on a circular relationship with new materiality in a post-extractive age. Combining new bioplastics and audio aesthetics, the installation entangles extraction, material longevity and the climate to question the position of the human in global and local ecosystems. Ouroboros is the exhibition outcome of the Circular Records project by Kat Austen and Fara Peluso.