Materials Innovation and Circular Strategies: Co-Creating Resilient Urban Futures


In an era of pressing environmental concerns, how can the principles of circular economy and collaborative design revolutionize the way we approach materials in urban contexts?

Fab Lab Barcelona has an historical research and educational agenda focused on material innovation, aiming at creating new materials of resilience, exploring new methodologies of production and distribution. Within this context, multiple action-research projects have been developed with the goal of testing and implementing alternative and circular strategies towards (more) locally productive and globally connected cities.

Based on practical examples and applied research, this talk will focus on alternatives to explore the role of material designers for a circular and collaborative way of production, bringing together craftsmanship knowledge, ecodesign and digital fabrication. Building upon the values of social innovation, alternative business models, and open source culture, the talk will combine materials development techniques used for critical thinking and making towards creative solutions.

By blending theoretical knowledge and disruptive technologies, learn how citizens have been able to invent materials and processes that are transforming today’s industry, creating and replicating the culture and conditions to innovate and change. This talk invites participants to explore innovative approaches to create added value to local communities, connecting circular economy and co-design principles and influencing future policy proposals for the development of regenerative urban futures.

August 25, 2023, 10:00 – 11:30
(Linz, Bahnhofplatz) – FOUNDING LAB – Lovelace Auditorium (OG2)

with Milena Calvo Juarez