The Realities of Policy Negotiations


The realities of policy negotiations on the European level – insights from EU Ministerial Level Negotiations on Transport and Energy Policy Making

The Austrian Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology Leonore Gewessler is giving a lecture on the topic of “The realities of policy negotiations on the European level – insights from EU Ministerial Level Negotiations on Transport and Energy Policy Making” for the FOUNDING LAB students. To prepare for this lecture, the Founding Convent member Katja Schechtner is giving an introductory talk: “International policy-making and implementation from the perspective of OECD and Development Banking, with examples from transport and urban projects”.

August 31, 2023, 11:30 – 12:35
POSTCITY, Lovelace Auditorium (OG2)

hosted by Leonore Gewessler

Introduction by Katja Schechtner