Machine surrounded by people

Summer School Program

Expert talks

In the Expert Talks, the summer school students are inspired to reflect on the bigger picture context of academic investigation by thinkers, makers, technologists, artists, scientists, and policy makers. The experts share their experience, give exclusive insights into their fields and challenge the students to ask their own questions. In the discussion rounds following the lectures, the students have the opportunity to develop their joint approach to the big challenges of our time.

Topicgroup workshops

In six Topicgroups, the students of the FOUNDING LAB carry out investigations and experimentations in the areas of Biotechnology & -arts, Future Materials & New Design Paradigms, Creative Robotics, Signal Detection & Interactivity, Brain-Computer-Interfaces, and AI, Machine Learning and Data Bias. After diving into these diverse fields and developing their initial research questions, the students are joined by workshop hosts that support them in developing the skills they need for putting their approaches into practice. In a public experimentation, the students finally take the stage in the city of Linz. The citizens become audiences witnessing new approaches in research practice in the public spaces of their city.

Elective workshops

During the FOUNDING LAB Summer School, students have the chance to explore diverse topics and fields at the forefront of technological, scientific, and artistic thinking. In elective workshops, they broaden their perspective according to their individual interests. Themes range from policy making to storytelling, from business modelling to misinformation, from artificial intelligence to environmental issues. The workshop hosts will offer the students both input and a space for shared discussion to develop their visions for future fields of research.

Special formats

While the FOUNDING LAB Summer School students investigate diverse fields of research, new approaches to academic disciplines and unconventional takes on the great challenges of our time, they jointly focus on the core question of the What and the How of a university of the 21st century. In fireside chats and development sessions, they work on how we want to interact with each other in academic settings, what unexpected professional paths the university can open up for us, how we want to share credit for our joint work, and in what settings and spaces we will do this.

  • Fireside Chats

    In these informal evening sessions, a short input is followed by a joint group reflection of the students on the topic together with the speaker-moderators. 

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  • Workshop: IDSA what and how? Inventing the University of the Future

    In this workshop, the IDSA Founding President and Convent Members join us to jointly develop and hear our vision for the university of the future. This workshop does not only help us in developing our festival outputs, but is also a possibility to develop our visions together with those who will implement them. What are…

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