Ethereal Dreams in Augmented Realms / ShanghaiTech University (CN), Photo: Yutao Ming-

Ethereal Dreams in Augmented Realms

ShanghaiTech University (CN)

In our quest for truth, we have different views on how the world works. Some people think that mathematical equations can explain the beauty and charm of Mona Lisa, some people think that the arrangement of furniture can bring spiritual wellbeing, some people look for signs of prophecy in coffee grounds. These are all ways we interpret the world. In our work, we will explore the intricate interactions between different cognitive perspectives, using mixed reality technology to experience individual perception. By seamlessly integrating reality and the digital world, we create environments that adapt to individual observations of reality, and thus glimpse the shared cognitive reality. Some projects think about the complexity of modern technology, some provide alternative narratives. Through immersive experiences and intuitive human computer interaction, these works present a wide range of world cognition, from rational to fantastic, from real to virtual, as a mixed reality journey across various stories and perspectives, to celebrate the human’s persistent cognition and diverse expression of truth.

  • Biological Repetition

    Biological Repetition

    Yutao Ming (CN), Wenxuan Li (CN)

    The XR project utilizes AI text to image generation on 3D objects to explore generative art and augmented environments. When the user scans the fragments of biological limbs sealed in glass containers, they will see the reality reproduced by established cognition from AR, posing the question, what is authentic?

  • Creation Theatre

    Creation Theatre

    Wenjia Shi (CN), Yichen Fan (CN)

    We simulate the process of creation using a physical model capable of generating 72 meaningful variations. The audience must contemplate and manipulate the model to achieve interactive functionality. Through the participant’s actions, a non-linear and ever-changing story unfolds.

  • Meowtaverse


    Yiwen Wu (CN), Taotao Zhou (CN)

    Through the use of image tracking technology on mobile devices and chatGPT, our captivating AR cats artfully blend technology and creativity.

  • Musica Universalis

    Musica Universalis

    Yutao Ming (CN), Wenxuan Li (CN)

    Inspired by the Greek philosopher Pythagoras, an immersive AR audio-visual interaction experience invites users to physically manipulate the planetary movements, engaging with the harmonious connections between various manifestations of collectiveness.

  • Nail Pet

    Nail Pet

    Yuqing Wu (CN), Ruoyin Zhang (CN)

    Nail art can be expanded from a 2-dimensional curved plane to a 3-dimensional augmented reality art, exploring different expressive augmentations of the body. Each piece of nail scans out an unexpected surprise, which is a process that can give users psychological pleasure as well as a feeling of symbiosis with art.

  • Observer


    Hua Yang (CN), Uwe Reiger (DE), Yinan Liu (NZ), Ziqiang Huang (CN), Hongsheng Gao (CN), Hengwei Ye (CN), Yutao Ming (CN)

    Observer is an XR interactive installation that features a collection of four satellites. It takes visitors on an immersive journey into the world of real-time environmental information collected by micro satellites. The installation features well-crafted scaled replicas, elegantly simulating their elliptical orbit through space.

  • Token Realm

    Token Realm

    Hengwei Ye (CN), Jingjie Lu (CN)

    Six different mystical environments in the form of an altar explore one’s sense-perception of the world. The hybrid audio-visual environment is only complete when viewed through the HoloLens 2, allowing audiences to interact with the work from various perspectives.

  • Veiled Portal of Lost Future

    Veiled Portal of Lost Future

    Haiqi Gong (CN), Kuan Sheng (CN)

    Within the door, where virtual and real intertwine, we search for connections between worlds and reality. A half-open door, like a whispered invitation, announces unique, different worlds beyond. Put on the HoloLens, I kindly ask; open the door, and take on the task.


ShanghaiTech University, co-founded by CAS and Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, is a small-scale, research-oriented international institution focusing on innovation. As the youngest university in China’s World-Class Universities Project, it aims to address global challenges in fields like energy, materials, environment, health and AI. With over 5,500 students, a tenure-track system and collaborations with top universities worldwide, ShanghaiTech boasts a diverse, experienced faculty, modern facilities and a strong innovation culture, resulting in numerous high-quality publications and impactful patents.


We sincerely thank the Linz Ars Electronica committee for accepting our work, providing a valuable opportunity to learn and network. We appreciate the guidance from ShanghaiTech University DIV Lab and the University of Auckland Arc Sec Lab, and ShanghaiTech’s unwavering support. Further, we thank our committed team, advisors and collaborators for generously sharing their expertise and resources throughout the project.