• Award Ceremony (with invitation only)

    Award Ceremony (with invitation only)

    Bei der feierlichen Überreichung der Goldenen Nicas des Prix Ars Electronica 2023, der STARTS Prizes’23 und der Verleihung der großartigen neuen Preise der Europäischen Union und unserer Kooperationspartner stehen die diesjährigen Preisträger*innen mit ihren ausgezeichneten Projekten im Mittelpunkt.

  • European Union Prize for Citizen Science Exhibition

    European Union Prize for Citizen Science Exhibition

    Zum ersten Mal verleiht Ars Electronica im Namen der Europäischen Kommission den European Union Prize for Citizen Science. Die Ausstellung zeigt die Vielfalt und außergewöhnliche Kreativität der europäischen Citizen-Science-Initiativen.

  • Creative Collision Talk: Urban Belonging Project x 300.000 Km/s

    Creative Collision Talk: Urban Belonging Project x 300.000 Km/s

    Ana Badenas (ES), Sofie Burgos-Thorsen (DK), Anders Koed Madsen (DK)

    Creative Collision Talk @ Transformation Lounge invites two artistic activists to explore the source of creativity that actively transforms society. Can the arts, data science and democratic participation revive social, ecological and economic equities in our urban spaces?

  • Creative Collision Talk: ISALA x ALMA Toolkit

    Creative Collision Talk: ISALA x ALMA Toolkit

    Giulia Tomasello (IT), Leonore Vander Donck (BE), Caroline Dricot (BE), Joke Van Malderen (BE)

    Creative Collider Talk @ Transformation Lounge invites two artistic activists to explore the source of creativity that actively transforms society. How to address the social stigma concerning intimacy and taboos related to the female body?

  • Meet-up: The Restart Project – What’s inside your smartphone?

    Meet-up: The Restart Project – What’s inside your smartphone?

    Ugo Vallauri (IT), James Pickstone (UK

    All our digital devices contain precious materials. Let’s fix our relationship with electronics, fight for the Right to Repair and slow down our consumption.

  • Citizen Science Futures for Sustainability

    Citizen Science Futures for Sustainability

    Aleksandra Berditchevskaia (GB), Alexandra Albert (GB)

    This workshop seeks to define desirable futures for Citizen Science (CS) in Europe for mitigating and adapting to the consequences of climate change over the next five to ten years.