Bonaventure / Soraya Lutangu Bonaventure (CH/CG), Photo:


Soraya Lutangu Bonaventure (CH/CG)

POSTCITY, Ground Floor, Gleishalle
Sat 9. Sep 2023 0:35 – 01:15

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With music, performance art, and film, Soraya Lutangu aka Bonaventure is attempting to materialize feelings dwelling between empathy, mourning, togetherness and celebration.

Price € 15,-
(reduced price: € 10,-)

Please note: This event is part of the Ars Electronica Nightline at POSTCITY. Tickets are available from September 6, 2023, and only on site at POSTCITY Info Desk.

Her practice allows the creation of practical and speculative languages while finding new ways to belong in the culture continuum of Otherness. 

By addressing questions of displacement and the diasporic imaginary within a decolonial context, Bonaventure builds expressive systems of repairs that value the poetic notions of Blackness, queerness, technology and spirituality. 


Presented with the kind support of the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia. 

Soraya Lutangu Bonaventure (CH/CG)

In 2019, Bonaventure decided to broaden the spectrum of her practice by creating Eternal, a cultural company based in Geneva. Eternal’s mission is to facilitate dialogues around the diasporic imaginary by conducting research, documenting experiences, and producing performances that allow actors from the African and European diasporas to connect and identify opportunities for meaningful conversations. Her debut single Complexion was released in 2016, followed by several EPs (FREE LUTANGU, METEOR) and collaborations with performance artists. In 2019 she was awarded the “Swiss Music Award” for her body of work. Since November 2019, she has been based in Kampala, Uganda, where she is developing a hybrid theatre/dance piece called Taking Care of God.