Prix Forum – Digital Musics & Sound Art / Juan Cortés (CO), Julia Jasmin Rommel (DE), Alba Triana (CO), Asher Remy-Toledo (CO/US), photo showing (left to right): Julia Jasmin Rommel, Alba Triana, Juan Cortés, Asher Remy-Toledo @POSTCITY ,Conference Hall Photo: markus schneeberger

Prix Forum – Digital Musics & Sound Art

Juan Cortés (CO), Julia Jasmin Rommel (DE), Alba Triana (CO), Asher Remy-Toledo (CO/US)

POSTCITY, Conference Hall
Sun 10. Sep 2023 12:15 – 13:15

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The Prix Ars Electronica is the most traditional media art competition in the world. Each year, the winners of the Golden Nicas and the distinctions are invited to present their projects and perspectives to the international festival audience at the Prix Forums.

In Digital Musics & Sound Art, Juan Cortés (CO) from Atractor Estudio, winner of the Golden Nica for A Tale of Two Seeds: Sound and Silence in Latin America’s Andean Plains, will speak. Alba Triana (CO) of Harmonic Motion, winner of the Award of Distinction and Julia Jasmin Rommel (DE) of zwischenraum – interspace – acoustic cartography will be on stage.

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Juan Cortés (CO)
Julia Jasmin Rommel (DE)
Alba Triana (CO)
Asher Remy-Toledo (CO/US) – moderator