August 1st will see the opening of “Projekt Genesis – Synthetic Biology, Life from the Lab”, the new exhibition at the Ars Electronica Center. One of the works on display is Metabodies by Sonja Bäumel (AT).
Orientation is an important part of our life. We use clocks to figure out our position on the time axis, and maps help us find our way in unfamiliar spaces, regardless of whether it’s a new city or a strange continent. Maps have been getting more and more detailed, generating them is an increasingly complex…
From August 1, 2013, the new exhibition “Yours Synthetically” is all about the thematic topic of synthetic biology. Matthew Gardiner has put together the artistic works.
Miraikan’s Tsunagari-Project has landed in Linz, in the Deep Space of the Ars Electronica Center. For the first time, the visualisations of the GeoCosmos, a 6 metre wide sphere covered with millions of organic LEDs, are shown outside of the biggest technology-institute in Japan. We have talked to Maholo Uchida, curator of Miraikan and member…
Austrian game designers and their computer games will be the stars of the show at the 2nd GamesDay@AEC on May 17th. We recently caught up with Stefan Schraml to get the lowdown on the specifics (the lineup in detail) and the big picture (what this get-together is all about).
The Earth, the basis of humankind’s very existence, will take the spotlight at the Ars Electronica Center beginning April 18th. Terrific new exhibits feature data, information, human beings and interrelationships. Geopulse, a gigantic interactive information graphic, and Deep Space are the high-definition settings in which to behold our Earth in a new light.
[:de]Das Experiment ist geglückt: 3.452 BesucherInnen, davon etwa 400 experimentierfreudige SchülerInnen und LehrerInnen, fünf Stunden langes Versuchen und Erklären, und ein Museum der Zukunft.
Michael Badics gives a first insight into the redesign of the exhibition area GeoCity, that will be accessible from mid April 2013 at the Ars Electronica Center.
Just one more level, only this last jump, a single, final mission to complete … and my, how the evening just seems to fly by! Who hasn’t faced this situation? A lot has happened since Pacman & Friends came to town. Upcoming at the Ars Electronica Center is an intensive encounter with computer gaming, and…
On THU March 7, 2013, the exhibition “people_scans” opens at the Ars Electronica Center. An interview with the photographer Kurt Hörbst about his full-body scans and his search of remarkable details in the human body.
Visitors to the Ars Electronica Center this weekend might well wonder why one of our installations is off limits. The reason Kazamidori the weathervane of the internet age, is temporarily unavailable is Culture Shutdown.
The Ars Electronica Blog recently published an interview with Christine Schöpf and Jürgen Hagler about the Prix and computer animation. In this installment, they discuss the Animation Festival.
All eyes will be on the heavens at the Ars Electronica Center from late February to early March. Sky Loft is hosting the 2013 Central European Deepsky Imaging Conference (CEDIC, a major astrophotography conclave), and Deep Space will be the venue of a spectacular program of accompanying events. We recently had a chance to chat…
Students of the HLW school in Steyr have recently visited the Ars Electronica Center to make use of the Eyetracker at the BrainLab. Check out what they needed it for.
We recently published an interview with Oliver Bimber, head of the Institute of Computer Graphics at Johannes Kepler University Linz, in which we went into the subject of light-field photography. On January 31, 2013, our interviewee will be the star of a Deep Space Live. To provide a sneak preview of what light-field photography is…
Where are you travel this year? Where is your favorite holiday destination? And which destination can you recommend? Also this year, the Ars Electronica in Linz is part of the Ferien Messe Linz 2013 and invites the visitors to talk about their upcoming holiday through the Shadowgram.
Am 12.12.2012 ist Martina Sochor mit einem Team bestehend aus Studierenden der Kunstuni Linz in Linz unterwegs beteiligt sich am One Day On Earth. Wir haben sie auf ein kurzes Gespräch abgefangen.
One day, 24 hours. You could break down these units even further into seconds, milliseconds and so forth. One might consider a day in terms of the Earth’s rotation, the time our planet takes to spin once on its axis, the Sun rising and setting, but then of course there’s also the night, and it…
[:de]Das Team hinter Zeit ist Held erzählt im Interview, wie die Idee zur Ausstellung entstanden ist, was sie persönlich aus der Recherche mitgenommen haben und worüber sie sich besonders freuen würden. Die Ausstellungseröffnung ist am 6.12. um 18:30 Uhr, nehmen Sie sich die Zeit!
Mr. Casti, you turn your attention to extreme events that occur suddenly without warning and shake-up our world view. Do you know which catastrophic “X-Events” await us in Austria in the near future? Probably the most threatening X-event would be a nuclear accident in one of the neighboring countries. But an equally damaging, although longer…
You have your clocks, we have the time. But time is relative. There’s no substitute for taking time, even when it’s running like sand through your fingers. Is my time more valuable than yours? Lifetime, cooking time, Christmastime, prime time. Full-time? Time is something that determines everyday life, characterizes it, divides it up into quantifiable,…
Newcastle, Australia. Beijing. Singapore. Linz. Four cities, seemingly selected at random, will coalesce into a single integrated concert hall on November 30, 2012. The International Space Time Concerto brings together musicians all across the face of the Earth. Together with a chorus, they’ll perform nine pieces using instruments as well as iPhones and iPads.
The Deep Space Live – Series “LINZ_EINST/JETZT” which compares historical pictures of Linz with their current views is having it’s next installment on November 15th at the Ars Electronica Center. MMag. Maria Jenner, who’s taking care of coordinating and programming the series and works at the Archiv der Stadt Linz talks about how the cooperation…
There’s a lot of things to learn from Neuroscience. Dr. Manuela Macedonia talks about the impact that findings from this field can have on a lot of other disciplines and why the knowledge transfer is not always easy. Macedonia will be having her last “Brain For Everybody” – Talk for 2012 on November 15 at…