[:de]Big Picture ist jetzt auch im Deep Space des Ars Electronica Centers zu sehen.
Dr. Manuela Macedonia ist regelmäßig als Vortragende im Ars Electronica Center und ist verantwortlich für die Reihe “Gehirn für Alle”. Wie sie zu dem Thema gekommen ist, was in den nächsten Wochen und Monaten zu sehen sein wird, verrät sie im Interview.
Es wird nicht mehr besonders lange dauern, dann wir der Röhrenfernseher genauso eine obskure Technologie sein, wie das Grammophon, Telegraphen (beide mit ph!) oder Palms. Unsere Kinder werden diese riesigen Kisten anschauen und uns fragen, ob wir denn mit dem Platz in unseren Wohnungen und Häusern nichts Besseres anzufangen wussten, als ihn mit Darstellgerätschaften zu…
Inside the Deep Space multiple windows to the world were opened in cooperation with the ORF Landesstudio Salzburg. Representatives of museums and scientific institutions from Japan, Mexico, USA and other places talked live about their work and gave insights into their activities. Meanwhile, the Deep Space showed itself from its most beautiful side. Additionally, the…
Inside the Deep Space the BIG PICTURE and its oversized presentations had their reasonable space. The exhibition “Out of Control” acquiesced well into the festival like the three Klangwolken stations of the museum: The ABC workshop, where visitors had the possibility to create their own illuminated letters for the voestalpine Klangwolke, the SoundLab, our own…
The word is out: preparations have already begun on the 2012 voestalpine Klangwolke. Everybody is invited to lend a hand staging this amazing event. You can display your musical talent by recording and submitting your own soundcloudminiature. But letters of the alphabet are also an essential element of this year’s extravaganza. Without letters, we couldn’t…
The Making of the SoundLab The Opening So, here’s what the hands-on sound studio looks like. Seven workstations are available. Thanks to audio routing, all signals collected at the digital mixing console (from microphones, synthesizers, instruments, what have you…) can be sent to all workstations and processed there. The nice folks at Ableton have provided…
We’ll be taking a very innovative and interesting approach to our “Out of Control” exhibition this coming Sunday, May 20 at 8 PM—an online treasure hunt in cooperation with Jananas Gold!
The Ars Electronica Center is going to have a Soundlab. You can build your Soundcloudminiatures in it (https://ars.electronica.art/klangwolke/en/participate/soundcloudminiatures/) or enjoy various soundinstallation. This is part of the room in it’s current stage, the doors open on May, 17th.
The law in force since April 1, 2012 that requires public telecommunications service providers to record data about network users’ activities including their geographic location when such activity occurs and to store that data for a period of six months is difficult to reconcile with our constitutional guarantees of the confidentiality of personal data and…
Sergey Brin, one of the founders of Google (there’s probably no need you provide you with a link here, right?), recently gave a detailed and comprehensive account of some of the looming threats and his critique of them. In this connection, he regards closed systems like Facebook and Apple’s Appstore as discrete domains that make…
Every once in a while, you’re watching at a scenery so beautiful, that you want to capture it and show it to your friends. More often than not, there’s a camera around, but there’s also the romantic way of painting the whole sensation. You pick your brush or pen, start to fill the paper with…
Texta, one of the most famous Hip-Hop-Crews from Austria, have shot their last video for “Grotesk” at the Ars Electronica Center. Using the floors, cellar and facade as a backdrop for a computergame, Wolfang Schober has produced quite an impressive video. Enjoy!
Am Freitag, dem 9. März um 21:50 Uhr gibt es AUS DEM RAHMEN – ARS ELECTRONICA CENTER LINZ – Museumsmagazin mit Karl Hohenlohe auf ORFIII zu sehen. Ein Rundgang durchs Center mit interessanten Einblicken.
My favorite installation at the Ars Electronica Center is the BrainLab’s Brain-Computer Interface. BCI establishes a link between the human brain and a computer. It’s similar to an electroencephalogram (EEG), a measurement of the brain’s electrical activity. You put on a special cap studded with electrodes hooked up to cables, and they transmit the activities…
BioLab closely resembles the typical picture people have in mind of a laboratory. Here, you’ll find all sorts of equipment, stuff that most of us would have a hard time telling apart from a coffeemaker or a fridge. Test tubes and containers holding seedlings and specimens adorn the shelves. But there’s one big difference between…
Biology made the start. The visitors, teachers, pupils, physicists and others had the chance to try out things like DAPI-Coloring (the coloring of cells), the visualisation of DNA or check out what their bodies look in detail, using a scanning electron microscope. The next Science Days will be on February 11th and 12th and will…
I’m a photography enthusiast, so of course my favorite installation is the TWAN Globe in GeoCity. A touchscreen lets users rotate the sphere bristling with digital pins that mark the spots on our planet’s surface where the shots that make up “The World at Night” exhibition were taken. There are 84 of them, each one…
Entering the Ars Electronica Center’s Main Gallery, the AEC’s largest exhibition space, brings you face-to-face with “New Views of Humankind.” The installation is divided into four themes, which this blog will elaborate on over the coming weeks. Let’s start things off with Robotinity.