The Great Pyramid in 3D, From the BBC Series Ancient Invisible Cities ist ein interaktives, immersives Erlebnis, das die Möglichkeiten der virtuellen Archäologie durch den Scan und digitalen Nachbau historischer Architektur erforscht. Mit diesem Programm können die Besucher*innen des Deep Space 8K des Ars Electronica Center virtuell tief in das älteste Weltwunder der Antike, die…
In 2012, Europe’s largest software manufacturer SAP commissioned the Ars Electronica Futurelab with a representative work on the 40th anniversary of the former start-up. The exhibition format “40 – years of Future” was specially developed for the planned company museum in order to communicate the company’s history and key inventions to the general public.
Sie lassen uns die Welt um uns herum beinahe vergessen: Virtual-Reality-Anwendungen lassen uns tief in Bilder und Videos eintauchen und versprechen interaktive Erlebnisse. Um immersive Medien von einem Nischenphänomen zu einer weit verbreiteten Praxis auf dem Verbrauchermarkt zu führen, hat das dreijährige, von der EU geförderte Projekt Immersify mit fünf europäischen Partnern, darunter dem Ars…
How can gesture research be presented so that it is comprehensible by everyone? How do you identify natural gestures for specific applications? What are the origins of such gestures, and how can they best be used in future interfaces? The Ars Electronica Futurelab has been collaborating with Chemnitz University of Technology to get to the…
The Ars Electronica Futurelab assisted SAP in designing a meeting place for innovative start-ups based on the model of the Hana Café in Palo Alto. The so-called Data Space, which would take shape at Rosenthalerstraße 38 in the center of Berlin, features two storeys of which the first floor is composed of an event space…
The Deep Space 8K has received a major upgrade in 2022 – read all about the technical innovations as well as the latest programs on our Deep Space 8K EVOLUTION page!