Hideaki Ogawa

  • Garden of Creativity @ Matsudo City International Science Art Festival

    Garden of Creativity @ Matsudo City International Science Art Festival

    From November 21st to 22nd 2020, the Ars Electronica Futurelab contributed to the International Science Art Festival in Matsudo, Japan, for the third time – on the theme of “Garden of Creativity”.

  • Artistic Journalism 2020

    Artistic Journalism 2020

    Keio University SFC Online Course

    Ars Electronica Futurelab director Hideaki Ogawa taught an online course entitled “Artistic Journalism” at Keio University SFC (Shonan Fujisawa Campus). This experimental series of classes discusses artistic journalism through online lectures, online guided tours and dialogues with the Ars Electronica Center.

  • School of the Future Festival 2020: Dappi

    School of the Future Festival 2020: Dappi

    The School of the Future Festival 2020—a cooperation between Ars Electronica and TOKYO MIDTOWN—took place from February 20th to February 24th 2020 in Tokyo, Japan.

  • Artistic Journalism

    Artistic Journalism

    Künstlerischer Journalismus ist die Schaffung eines sozialen Dialogs durch künstlerischen Ausdruck, Forschung, Erkundung und Aktion. Um Studierende für diese Methode zu begeistern, unterrichtete Hideaki Ogawa, Co-Direktor des Ars Electronica Futurelab, an der Keio Universität SFC (Shonan Fujisawa Campus) Online-Kurse zum Thema „Artistic Journalism“.

  • Open Futurelab 2019

    Open Futurelab 2019

    Das Festivalgelände der POSTCITY in Linz wurde bis 2019 als Bühne für Open Futurelab genutzt. Der gemeinsam mit der japanischen Rundfunkanstalt NHK entwickelte Media Platz war der Prototyp eines offenen Medienplatzes aus Karton und hochauflösenden Bildschirmen, der als Forum für öffentliche Debatten diente. Dort fanden verschiedene Podiumsdiskussionen statt, u. a. zum Thema „Welche Rolle sollte…

  • Future Citizen @ Matsudo City International Science Art Festival

    Future Citizen @ Matsudo City International Science Art Festival

    From November 16th to 17th 2019, the Ars Electronica Futurelab contributed to the International Science Art Festival in Matsudo, Japan, for the second time – with an “Ars Electronica Salon” on the theme of “Future Citizen”.

  • Swarm Arena @Miraikan

    Swarm Arena @Miraikan

    In the beginning, there was a shared research interest: How can swarm-based technology be embedded in everyday media use and what new possibilities of communication or artistic expression does it offer as a visual medium? The Japanese telecommunications company NTT and the Ars Electronica Futurelab have been investigating these questions since 2017 and have repeatedly…

  • School of the Future Festival 2019: GiriGiri

    School of the Future Festival 2019: GiriGiri

    With School of the Future, the Ars Electronica Futurelab has been bringing discussions about technology, society and art into the heart of Tokyo since 2017. In a series of exhibitions and discussion rounds within the Tokyo Midtown urban complex, visitors are invited to explore the impact technologies have on society – and vice versa. In…

  • swarmOS


    swarmOS ist ein leistungsfähiges Betriebssystem zur Steuerung großer Schwärme von UAVs (fliegende Drohnen) und UGVs (am Boden fahrende Drohnen), das vom Ars Electronica Futurelab entwickelt und ständig erweitert wird.

  • Beyond the Frame – 8K Future Projects

    Beyond the Frame – 8K Future Projects

    Since 2018, together with Japan’s largest public broadcaster NHK, the Ars Electronica Futurelab has been pursuing questions about the future of the next generation of 8K ultra-high definition TV technology. As early as 2016, NHK began producing 8K material, developing recording and playback technology, and launched the first 8K single channel, making it one of…

  • Living Numbers

    Living Numbers

    Beyond the Frame — 8K Future Projects

    Living numbers is an edutainment program for children, which uses life-size animations to bring life and animal relations closer to its viewers. It was developed within the scope of Beyond the Frame – 8K Future Projects presented at Deep Space 8K during the Ars Electronica Festival 2019.

  • Space of Imagination @ Matsudo City International Science Art Festival

    Space of Imagination @ Matsudo City International Science Art Festival

    In collaboration with the Japanese artist Yoko Shimizu, Ars Electronica Japan  first co-curated the Matsudo City International Science Art Festival in 2018. Strongly integrated into local structures, the festival format took its starting point from the existing infrastructures of the university city northeast of Tokyo. A broad creative scene and the scientific and technical institutions located in…