Die Future Mobility Lounge war eine Diskussions- und Workshop-Veranstaltung über zukünftige Mobilität und Nachhaltigkeit, die gemeinsam von der Hyundai Motor Company, der japanischen Tochtergesellschaft der Hyundai Motor Company, und dem Ars Electronica Futurelab organisiert wurde. Sie fand am 28. und 29. Oktober 2022 im Hyundai Customer Experience Center in Yokohama, Japan, in einem einzigartigen Veranstaltungsformat statt,…
Telepresence is a great tool that gives people the ability to be in far away places without having to travel. Telepresence robots like Double Robot are great tools for communication. However, they usually lack ways to interact physically with their environment. This reduces the autonomy and freedom of movement of robot users. This way, telepresence…
Wenn Menschen und Roboter immer enger zusammenarbeiten, ist ihr gemeinsamer Erfolg an bestimmte Voraussetzungen geknüpft: Wie schafft man sichere Arbeitsumgebungen? Wie kann man die Akzeptanz von Robotern im Arbeitsalltag erhöhen? Und wie kommuniziert man mit einem Kollegen, der nur aus einem Greifarm besteht?
Two industrial robots play the role of two marionettes. The motions of a human puppeteer were recorded and are copied by the two robot arms. What happens when we are able to digitalize and therefore replicate highly complicated human abilities such as puppetry?
Human beings have been developing machines for thousands of years. But what drives us on to do so? Is it the urge to understand and recreate nature and its processes? Is it perhaps our audacious pretensions to be capable of improving on the world as it is? Or are we just curious?
Ars Electronica Futurelab and Honda R&D were conducting collaborative research into the next generation-relationship between humans and robots. From industrial robots supporting the production process to humanoid robots, many researchers have explored the range of possibilities for robots.
The heart piece of the first main exhibition “New Views of Humankind” in 2009 was constituted by four public accessible labs.
How can a person’s unique personality and essential character traits be captured, simulated and imparted to a robot?