Interaction and Collaboration in AI-based Creative and Artistic Applications
“Can machines think?” Over 70 years after Alan Turing began a paper with this question, there are still debates about the question as the question is hopelessly ambiguous. The answer depends on how we define thinking, the process of thinking and the impact of a thinking process. But what about creativity? Can machines create?
In recent years, there has been great academic interest in applying deep learning to creative tasks such as creating texts, images or music – with fascinating results. The research interest in these generative models is based on the assumption that generating new, similar data is only possible by learning an essential understanding of the nature of the input data. Technically speaking, Deep Learning models can only learn the statistical patterns of the data. Thus, they often can learn relationships in the data that human observers have not been aware of, and thereby serve as a new source of inspiration for human creativity.
Similar to the question of thinking, the answer to the question of creativity lies also in how we define creativity, the creative process, and the impact of a creative process. It also includes human involvement and the extent to which humans were part of the creative process. While the development of AI-based creative applications has seen a surge of considerable advances in recent years, interaction and collaboration between these systems and humans was not given much attention. Due to the rather limited interaction possibilities, the output of the system cannot be influenced satisfactorily by human users. The use of new, collaborative interaction possibilities could create new possibilities in which humans and AI systems can develop their creative potential together.
Given this lack of satisfactory interaction possibilities, our research focuses not only on the technological aspects of AI in creative and artistic applications but also on new ways of interaction and collaboration between humans and AI systems.
Key Works
Related Blog Posts:
SonoSynthesis – Night Performances
Artistic Journalism meets Artificial Intelligence
Sounding Letters – AI and human intelligence in concert
Digital Data in major and minor
Of rhythms and algorithms
Mahler-Unfinished: When man and machine make music
AI x Music Festival: A look ahead
Additional Information
Artificial Creation of Meaning? The Fascination and Limitations of AI-based Music Composition, Daejeon Biennale 2020 catalogue (Daejeon Museum of Art) [English, Korean]
Die Simulation der Kreativität: Können Maschinen kreativ sein? Ali Nikrang, Wissenschaftsjahr 2019, Künstliche Intelligenz, 22.11.2019 (Scientific year 2019, Articial Intelligence)
Automatic estimation of harmonic tension by distributed representation of chords: Ali Nikrang, David Sears, and Gerhard Widmer, International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research, Matosinhos, Porto, 25-28th September 2017. (Printed as a part of revised selected papers in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 11265)
Nikrang, A., Collins, T., and Widmer, G. (2014). PatternViewer: An Application for Exploring Repetitive and Tonal Structure. In Late-Brake Demo of the Proc. of the 15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. 19
Interactive Visualisation of Musical Structure with a Focus on Automatic Pattern Discovery (Master thesis, Johannes Kepler University, 2014)
Keynote “Künstliche Intelligenz und Kreativität: Eine technische Perspektive”,
WIKOIN 2022 – Wissenschaftskongress in Ingolstadt (anlässlich des 550. Jubiläums der ersten Bayerischen Landesuniversität), 01.07.22
Panel “Künstliche Intelligenz, Kunst und Kreativität”, WIKOIN 2022 – Wissenschaftskongress in Ingolstadt (anlässlich des 550. Jubiläums der ersten Bayerischen Landesuniversität), 01.07.22
(Wie) Kann K.I. Kunst? Technische und geisteswissenschaftliche Perspektiven im Dialog, Dozent bei dem dreitägigen Seminar der Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena, 8-10.04.2022
Künstliche Intelligenz & Kunst – ein Widerspruch? Vortrag bei der Ringvorlesung Künstliche Intelligenz und Digitalisierung in Kunst, Kultur und Gesellschaft, Technische Hochschule Aschaffenburg, 05.04.2022
AI Creativity in the Light of Arts and Music, Microwave New Media Arts Festival (Hong Kong), Unconference 反轉研討會 2021. together with Alexander Mankowsky, Philipp Jordan and Diane To, 9.11.2021
Artistic Journalism meets Artificial Intelligence: Understanding AI. Lecture together with Hideaki Ogawa and Andreas Bauer (featuring Ali Nikrang from minute 52:00). 29.10.2021
The Question of Autonomy and Human Intention in Art & AI (Episode II), Panel together with the visual artist Davide Quayola, sound artists Paola Torres Núñez del Prado and Leslie Garcia
presented at Ars Electronica Festival 2021 in the framework of the European ARTificial Intelligence Lab, 11.09.2021
NAKED AI, Panel and performance as a part of the screening of Cisco and Logotel produced documentary (Naked AI) about artificial intelligence and human creativity at Ars Electronica Festival 2021. Together with Daniele Cerra, Anna Milani, Vincenzo Scagliarini, 11.09.2021
The Question of Autonomy and Human Intention in Art and AI. A panel together with Maya Indira Ganesh, Isabella Salas and Yuri Suzuki, MUTEK Festival Montréal, Canada, 27.08.2021
AI & Musical Creativity
Daejeon Biennale 2020 AI, DAEJEON MUSEUM OF ART, 30.12.2020
Artistic Journalism: AI x Music
with Hideaki Ogawa, Ars Electronica, 12.11.2020
Inside Futurelab: Ricercar
Ars Electronica, 8.12.2020
DEMO: The Big AI-Jam — AI meets musical diversity
Ars Electronica Festival 2020
AIxMusic — Artificial Stupidity
Moisés Horta-Valenzuela, Artemi-Maria Gioti, Ali Nikrang, Alex Braga and Portrait XO
Streamed live on September 13, 2020
Artificial Creativity or Enhanced Humanity
Christine Payne (OpenAI), Lamtharn Hantrakul (Google Magenta), Ali Nikrang (Ars Electronica Futurelab) and Clara Blume (Open Austria)
Streamed live on September 13, 2020
Ars Electronica Mix: Inside Futurelab AI meets Music
Streamed live on May 13, 2020
Vortrag: Wenn Computer Emotionen in uns hervorbringen, AI x Music exhibition, AEC
18. January 2020
Simulation der Genialität – KI trifft auf klassische Musik, Globart Academy
19 October 2019
Automatic Music Generation with Deep Learning Fascination, Challenges and Constraints, Ars Electronica Festival 2019
Creative AI – Style Transfer, Ars Electronica Festival
Automatic estimation of harmonic tension by distributed representation of chords. International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR), Matosinhos, Porto, 25-28th September 2017
Deep Space LIVE: Künstliche Intelligenz — die Revolution hinter dem Hype
Streif trifft auf Artificial Intelligence, Lange Nacht der Forschung, AEC Linz 2018
Musik von Künstlicher Intelligenz beim Wissenschaftskongress in Ingolstadt, BR-Klassik, 30.06.2022
Applaus – aber niemand sitzt am Klavier? Ein Konzert mit Künstlicher Intelligenz, Augsburger-allgemeine, 01.07.2022
Komposition einer Künstlichen Intelligenz aufgeführt, Bayerische Rundfunk, 30.06.2022
Sounding Letters — Visualized AI/Human composed piano performance, 22.10.2021
Deep Space: AI-composed music, performed by humans, 13.07.2021
Creative (Artificial) Intelligence, Inside Futurelab: 25th Anniversary Series — Episode 3 , 04.06.2021
Algorithmen – Warum sie schwarze Menschen diskriminieren
BR Fernsehen , 05.12.2020
Naked-AI, What happens when Artificial Intelligence and Human Creativity meet?
Cisco Italia/Logotel Documentary, 25.11.2020
Composition from the can
including short demos from our Ricercar and MuseNet (OpenAI), Deutsche Welle, 14.11.2020
Digital Data in major and minor
Ars Electronica Blog, 29.10.2020
“So würden wir Menschen nicht komponieren“
Volksblatt, 28.10.2020
Of rhythms and algorithms
Ars Electronica Blog, 13.10.2020
Musik bei der Ars Electronica: Echte Gefühle, frisch aus der Maschine
Salzburger Nachrichten, 07.09.2020
AI x MUSIC: Artificial Creativity or Enhanced Humanity
[Time code: 00:00-55:20]
Panel discussion at Ars Electronica Festival 2020, 13.09.2020
Das Ende des Genie-Kults. Kann Künstliche Intelligenz besser als Beethoven sein? Wo bleibt die Kreativität, wenn Algorithmen komponieren? Über das Zusammenspiel von künstlerischer Kreativität und künstlicher Intelligenz.
3SAT, Kulturzeit, 02.07.2020
Kann Künstliche Intelligenz besser als Beethoven sein?
ORF, Kulturmontag, 29.6.2020
Der Code des Künstlers, TV Documentation, Artificial Intelligence
Bayerischer Rundfunk, 22.10.2019
AIxMusic Festival 2019
Ars Electronica Documentation, 03.10.2019
AIxMusic Dialogue I – Komposition, Interpretation, Reproduction — 3 shades of creativity
Dorf TV, 02.10.2019
Radiokolleg, (Maschinenmusik)
Austrian Public Radio Ö1, 30.09.2019
AI Making Musical Strides with MuseNet
Seeflection, 25.09.2019
Matrix, (Ars Electronica Festival)
Austrian Public Radio Ö1, 16.09.201
Completan sinfonia de Gustav Mahler usando Inteligencia Artificial
El Siglo de Torreón, 11.09.2019
AIがクラシックの巨匠と肩を並べた? マーラー未完の曲を「完成」
AFPBB, 10.09.2019
Stejně dobrá jako Mahler? Umělá inteligence dokončuje nehotovou symfonii
Časopis 100+1, 10.9.2019
Ars Electronica 2019: Wie künstlich ist die Musik
Heise online, 10.9.2019
AI as good as Mahler? Austrian orchestra performs symphony with twist
France24, 07.09.2019
Mahleresque’: Österreichisches Orchester spielt eine von AI geschriebene Symphonie
Nach Welt, 07.09.2019
Musik von Mahler oder vom Computer? Linz rätselt
Der Tagesspiegel (video), 07.09.2019
’¿Suenan los algoritmos con sinfonias digitales de Gustav Mahler?
La Vanguardia, 06.09.2019
DesCis (Mahler Unfinished Project)
Austrian Public Radio Ö1, 05.09.2019
Künstliche Intelligenz trifft Kreativität: Wenn Computer komponieren
OÖ Nachrichten, 04.09.2019
Künstlerische Intelligenz: “AI x Music“ bei Ars Electronica
Tiroler Tageszeitung, 09.08.2019
Artificial Intelligence meets Music
Meinbezirk, 07.08.2019
Ars Electronica: Computer vollendete Mahlers Zehnte
ORF, 30.07.2019
Wem applaudiert man?
Volksblatt, 30.07.2019
Musikgenies sind berechenbar
Salzburger Nachrichten, 25.06.2019 (Video)
Understanding AI — oder: Die Natur der Daten
Die kreative künstliche Intelligenz: Style Transfer