
ONLINE GALLERY - 360° Garden View
This an online panorama gallery showcasing nearly 20 sights in our campus. NTHU has plenty of lakes and forests which constitute a big and beautiful garden. NTHU has a wide range of academic fields, converging creativities in science, technology, humanity and art.

Magister Raffaello 2020 - Talk
Magister Art (IT), Jelena Jovanovic (IT)
Anlässlich des 500. Todestages des Renaissance-Künstlers Raphael entstand Magister Raffaello, ein neues Kulturprojekt von Magister Art, den digitalen Pionieren in der Entwicklung, Produktion und Förderung von Inhalten des Kulturerbes. Es verbindet den hohen wissenschaftlichen Wert mit konstantem Experimentieren mit neuen Sprachen und Medien, um eine "erweiterte Erzählung" und eine "totale" kognitive Erfahrung zu erzeugen. Magister Raffaello wird in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Italienischen Kulturinstitut in Wien gezeigt.

Immersify: Der Stephansdom durchleuchtet – Artist Presentation
ScanLAB Projects (UK), RIEGL Laser Measurement Systems (AT), Dombauhütte St. Stephan zu Wien (AT), Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)
Der Stephansdom durchleuchtet lädt Deep-Space-8K-BesucherInnen zu einer interaktiven 3D-Reise durch high-resolution 360°-Bilder des Wiener Stephansdoms ein. Die Bilder, die aus mehr als 21 Milliarden Laserpunkten bestehen, bilden zusammen die Transparenzschichten des heiligen Gebäudes.

Creating a New Normal: Arts, Design, Humanities and Social Sciences 4 Emergency?
Eveline Wandl-Vogt, Nirmala Menon, Dario Rodrighiero, Elian Carsenat
Panel discussion: As this virus, and maybe further to come, affects the world and our way of living, we are aiming to explore pioneering research and action based art and design. During the time of social distancing and quarantining, it has become evident that even with the principles of science and technology that provide us with access to practical methods for securing our lives, humanities-based principles and skillsets have played a key role in enabling us to evolve. In light of this, we might want to rethink our approach to future living.

Join our VR guided tours to Leonardo da Vinci's studio
Explore Leonardo da Vinci’s studio, see artefacts from his time that capture some of the doubts we assume he had about his life and work, and learn about the concept of "doubt" during the renaissance.

A metaverse for sound art and music EXHIBITION & CONCERTS.

Live: TechnoGAN, Trial#1, DJ3XXICA + Shinsekai

Live: merge and dissolve, FlashRust, Paul Gründorfer, A distributed location performance (2020)

Inside Festival: Documentary
During the 5-day festival, filmmaker Yazdan Zand and his team set out with their cameras to capture the festival events from a variety of angles. The main actors of the film are Leonhard Lass and Gregor Ladenhauf. They both form the artist duo DEPART.

Live: Fantasy Island, A Certain, Christoph Punzmann, Duo 3-Kanal, Reclaiming Time - ElektroMagnetikSpektrum

Team Members: Clara Roth, Robbie Ierubino, Peter Sauleda, Maria Kallionpää, Kathi Schulz
Harmony fosters an inclusive atmosphere among strangers, reframing the concepts around co-creation and collaboration. Co-composing can be intimidating at times, as there is pressure to perform.

Project Home
Team Members: Esma Bosnjakovic, Max Haarich, Barbora Horská, Nicole Schanzmeier
Project Home will diese fast schon utopische Erzählung neu definieren, indem es persönliche Geschichten von Menschen sammelt und teilt, die aus freien Stücken oder aus anderen Gründen mit dem traditionellen Konzept der Heimat kämpften. Dadurch hoffen wir, andere zu inspirieren, einige der einschränkenden Überzeugungen in Frage zu stellen und ihren eigenen einzigartigen Weg „nach Hause“ zu erkennen.

[Un]seen Sacred Spaces
Team Members: Asma Aiad, Parisa Ayati, Rebecca Merlic, Ines Mahmoud, Mateja Rot
Anhand von drei Sakralräumen in Österreich wollen wir ein Beispiel für verschiedene Gemeinschaften setzen und deren Anliegen sichtbar machen. Viele Gebäude, sehen von aussen lediglich wie ein normales Haus aus. Trotz ihrer Unsichtbarkeit sind sie Teil der Stadt. Ihre (Un-)Sichtbarkeit sagt viel über die soziale Integration in unserer Gesellschaft aus.

Neo Christopher Chung
The world is at a critical junction where polarizing forces are working hard to keep us divided and troubled. We are witnessing the rise of exclusionary laws and policies, fueled by the dark side of the Internet and algorithms. Across Europe and beyond, the challenges of civil unrest and human rights are negatively affecting marginalized populations and creating intractable divisions. How can we use public platforms and new media to create inclusive outlooks and to create new political spheres?

Keynote Lynn Hershman Leeson
Lynn Hershman Leeson (US)
In this lecture, Lynn Hershman Leeson will give an overview of her work, particularly related to cyborgs, from 1966’s Breathing Machines , to 2018’s Antibody and 2020’s Gravity’s End.

Uncanny Fictions
Jiré Emine Gözen, Barbara Eder, Barbara Eggert, Gloria Meynen
Moderation: Gloria Meynen

Keynote Janina Loh
Janina Loh (DE), Thomas Matzner
Loh’s research interests lie in the field of trans- and posthumanism (espe- cially critical posthumanism), robot ethics, feminist philosophy of technology, responsi- bility research, Hannah Arendt, theories of judgement, and ethics in the sciences.

Uncanny Agents
Gunter Lösel, Pamela Scorzin, Anna Bromley, Marcus Burkhard
Moderation: Marcus Burkhard

Keynote Thomas Macho
Thomas Macho (AT), Gloria Meynen
Since 2016 Thomas Macho has been director of the International Research Centre for Cultural Studies (IFK) at the University of Art and Design Linz in Vienna. In 2019 he was awarded the Sigmund Freud Prize for scholarly prose by the Ger- man Academy for Language and Poetry, and in 2020 the Austrian State Prize for Cultural Journalism.

A staged conversation
Ann Cotten, Gloria Meynen
Moderation: Gloria Meynen