Rotten Body (2020)
Alexandra Mabes (CL), Nicolás Oyarce (CL), Ana Rosa Ibáñez (CL)

Dance installation inspired by the decomposing course of action which fungi encourages. The shape of the body is deformed through the materials to portray the transformation and reconfiguration of matter in the decay.

Mapu Kufüll
Sebastián Calfuqueo (CL)

Digital video installation that reflects on the cosmological perspective of the Mapuche people in relation to mushroom harvesting. The artist will showcase his recent investigation at Museo del Hongo through an animated ‘Tale’, portraying mushrooms as a symbol for resistance for their communities post the “Araucania Pacification” period.

Sun Sun (2020)
Konantü (Courtney Smith & Iván Navarro)

In these dark pandemic times, Sun Sun invites us to invoke the sun and its light through an interactive poetry game that defies syntax logics, imagining new ones under a limited series of 8 words and their mutual combinations. The exhibition includes a set of 64 cards to print and play at home, a selection of songs that are related to the sun and videos to demonstrate and exemplify how the game goes.

The Role of Curator in the Digital Space
CADAF (The Contemporary and Digital Art Fair) (US)

This panel focuses on the various aspects of this complex medium including creation, collecting and exhibiting. Some of the mediums discussed include Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and others.

Cairo is Data
Cairotronica (EG)

A film that shows Egypt through the eyes of 6 emerging new media artists sharing their grounds for inspiration. Their works that they are currently developing navigate the peculiarities, tensions and challenges that come at the intersection of technology, business, culture, and society.

Artificial Seascapes. Two female AI artists respond to current uncertainty with powerful art.
CADAF (The Contemporary and Digital Art Fair) (US)

​An one-hour live session with artists, Anne Spalter and Sofia Crespo, in discussion. We will dive into their artistic practices, their use of AI, and the relationship between data, GAN and human perception.

COPY PASTE Curator's Tour
Antonio Roberts (UK)

Video recorded lecture with Q&A from the curator Antonio Roberts will guide us through each work at the Piksel Cyber Salon exhibition. If you are an artist, then you have no doubt copied the work of others. This copying can range from using pages from a magazine in a collage to adopting the style of another artist, or simply being inspired by their work. This natural process of copying, taught to us at every stage of our artistic development, is burdened with a very complex and messy set of laws and social conventions which define and limit how we can use copying in our practices. They don't account for exceptions or nuances, and come from a historical world in which artworks were scarce physical objects, not translating well into a world in which culture is abundant and can be accessed and copied at will.

Presence of Absence: Garden

We will host an online garden to explore the “Presence of Absence.” Students and Professor Ishii from Tangible Media Group | MIT MediaLab will guide you through the future of Tangible Telepresence and Radical Atoms.

Artificial Seascapes
CADAF (The Contemporary and Digital Art Fair) (US)

Artificial Seascapes reflects on the impact humans and technology have on the environment and explores new ways to visualize it. By incorporating artificial intelligence, algorithmic tools and data processing into their practice, Spalter and Crespo allow us to see mundane events from the perspective of a machine. By shifting the focal point, scenes that are familiar to the human eye - cruise ship images or sea creatures - begin to evolve, resulting in new compositions that have never been seen. The artists invite the viewers to submerge in these new worlds, where beauty and technology collide to expose questions of human perspective, consciousness and preservation.

Lecture: Authors of the Future. Re-imagining Copyleft
Constant (BE)

Video recorded lecture with Q&A from the artists The Authors of the Future. Re-imagining Copyleft, by Constant (BE), seeks to address burning issues around licensing and collective creative practices. How can we limit predatory practices without blocking the generative potential of Free Culture? What would a decolonial and feminist license look like, and how could we propose entangled notions of authorship? Constant is a non-profit, artist-run organisation based in Brussels since 1997 and active in the fields of art, media and technology.

Scientific papers

Paper authors: It starts with an inverted map. Chronicle of an imaginary and literal navigation through the southern tip of America. By Paula López Wood "Roots and inorganic forces, tectonic-climate interaction: its meaning in the evolution of the landscape and the habitability of the territory " By Gerd Sielfeld Art, science and society from a critical museology. THE OPEN LANDSCAPE BEHIND THE BORDERS By Alessandra Burotto Tarky Remain or Return: The Ancestral Communities of Magallanes from Hornos Island By Alfredo Prieto

On a Journey with Alma
Giulia Tomasello (IT)

Alma ist ein tragbarer Biosensor zur Überwachung von Vaginalsekreten. Wir engagieren uns für die Unterstützung und Aufklärung von Frauen über ihre Intimgesundheit durch Technologie. Giulia Tomasello, Designerin und Mitbegründerin von Alma, führt durch die Forschung und Prototypentwicklung am Fraunhofer IZM TexLab in Berlin.

CADAF presents Sofia Crespo and Anne Spalter
CADAF (The Contemporary and Digital Art Fair) (US)

The Contemporary and Digital Art Fair is honored to present Anne Spalter and Sofia Crespo, two female artists working with AI technology. Spalter and Crespo explore current socio-economic issues, including COVID19 and ecological uncertainty, in their work. Both artists exhibited their work at CADAF Online, which took place June 25-28, 2020. Artificial Seascapes​ reflects on the impact humans and technology have on the environment and explores new ways to visualize it.

Fermenting Futures
Prof. Diethard Mattanovich (AT), Prof. Ingeborg Reichle (DE), Anna Dumitriu (UK), Alex May (UK), Sonja Schachinger (AT)

Das Projekt wird einige der Tausenden von Hefespezies und ihre Eigenschaften sowie Methoden der Synthetischen Biologie vorstellen, um neue Hefestämme mit außergewöhnlichen Fähigkeiten zu schaffen, die unser Leben besser machen und gleichzeitig den Planeten erhalten.

Eebo Video Tutorial
eebo (AT)

Eebo ist eine Videoplattform in Uganda, die kreativ Schaffende dabei unterstützen soll, ihre Inhalte an ZuschauerInnen zu vermarkten. Die Strategie von Eebo besteht darin, so viele öffentliche WiFi-Hotspots wie möglich zu öffnen, damit die NutzerInnen ohne Internetkosten auf diese Inhalte zugreifen können.

Bengaluru: City of Water
Harini Nagendra, ecologist

Ecologist Harini Nagendra’s talk takes the audience on a journey through the history of water systems in Bengaluru - starting from the 6th century CE to the present day. She explains how lakes were built and how they became an important source of water for the city. Today they are used solely for recreation, environmental support and ornamental views. She argues that urbanization and water conservation can go together and that we need to look at our history to manage our future.

The Unquiet River: Brahmaputra
Arupjyoti Saikia, historian

From landscapes to livelihoods, the river Brahmaputra has shaped the history of Assam. Historian Arupjyoti Saikia’s Confluence lecture brings together history, geology and hydrology to present a comprehensive understanding of this mighty river. He speaks about how the river was formed, what makes it unique, and why it is important to think about its future. His lecture is based on his book by the same name.

Communication with the Invisible
Pei-Ying Lin (TW)

Ungewissheit ist überall. Sie ist das, was wir erleben, wenn wir dem Unbekannten gegenüberstehen, aber auch, wenn wir versuchen, mit dem Unsichtbaren zu kommunizieren oder zu verhandeln. Sie zeigt sich auch im künstlerischen Prozess, während ein Projekt entsteht. Pei-Ying Lins Reise erforscht diesen Aspekt, indem sie den Entstehungsprozess ihres Projekts Proposal of Collaboration with the Viral Entities (dt.: Vorschlag zur Zusammenarbeit mit den viralen Entitäten) offenlegt.

BeAnotherLab (INT)

Als kollektive Praxis existiert Beanotherlab in den Räumen zwischen Disziplinen, Gemeinschaften, Geographien und Methodologien. Verteilt, aber voneinander abhängig. Dieser Rundgang präsentiert eine Meditation über die Unsicherheiten und Sensibilitäten der transdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit.

Prosthetic Memory
M Eifler (US)

When I tell you I have memory loss, you'll likely say "I forget things all the time! A name, my keys, where I parked, constantly." But do you remember being a sticky wild-eyed kid? Or maybe you have a story from your early 20s you love to tell, laced with seedy details. I have none of that.