Ars Electronica Garden

COVID19 Insights: Mapping Diversity and Community
Dario Rodrighiero, Elian Carsenat, Gabriel Carsenat, Eveline Wandl-Vogt
COVID19 is a fire accelerator. We were using the time of the lockdown to deepen our transnational collaboration and think on how we can apply our knowledge and skills to current real world problems related to the pandemics. This visualization based on the recently developed biocultural diversity index and lexical distances. This work is unpublished up to now and unique.

museum of knowledge science
Eveline Wandl-Vogt, Atiq Hashmi, Andreas Brandner, Louise Deininger
Virtual co-design session - Knowledge is at the heart of sustainable development. The achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals requires therefore effective knowledge management. However, knowledge needs to be understood in regional, societal, historic and cultural context. Art and culture are essential to the understanding of knowledge, specifically when knowledge - and its various aspects and processes - is reflected as a subject of art. Beyond reflecting knowledge, art is also a medium of knowledge, like articles or books.

metaLAB (at) HARVARD
Eight experiments in the computational curation of collections - Curatorial A(i)gents consists in eight machine-learning-based experiments in and around museum collections and data sets developed by members and affiliates of metaLAB (at) Harvard, an idea foundry, knowledge-design lab, and production studio experimenting in the networked arts and humanities.

Algorithm Inventarium: methoda-thon
Matthew Battles, Max Haarich, Aleyda Rocha Sepulveda, Eveline Wandl-Vogt
Towards Inclusive, Sustainable Futures - The experimental "methodathon" is part of a series of “algorithm inventarium sprints” related to the project Algorithm Inventarium (AI+): diverse co-creation interventions combining action research approaches for accelerating the collaborative auditing of algorithms (e.g. by applying gamification techniques for data awareness, or auditing through interfaces). The aim of this session in connection with the ars electronica festival community is to identify, co-create and/or discuss specific methods, protocols and experiments for participatory research in the spirit of citizen science and community-based research in Vienna.

Algorithm Inventarium: The Greater Good Ethics Canvas
Eveline Wandl-Vogt, Henry Dobson, Max Haarich
Towards Responsible, Humane Technologies - In this interaction we are introducing the “Greater Good Ethics Canvas” to be used for the development of Humanity Centered Technology.

Garden of … Knowledge for Humanity
Ars Electronica (AT) et al. (INT)
An initiative of the Ars Electronica Futurelab is represented by the Ars Electronica Research Institutes, consisting of the Ars Electronica Research Institute Knowledge for Humanity (by Eveline Wandl-Vogt) and the Ars Electronica Research Institute Auditory Cultures (by Werner Jauk). This organizational form acts as an open membrane for Ars Electronica, allowing closer collaborations with the academic world. After its first incarnation as an Ars Electronica Research Institute last year, Eveline Wandl-Vogt’s Ars Electronica Research Institute Knowledge for Humanity will also host a program at this year’s festival.

STARTS Exhibition
Kepler's Garden am Campus der JKU
STARTS ist eine Plattform mit dem Ziel, Technologie und künstlerische Praxis enger zu verknüpfen.

Virtual Anatomy – Preview of the JKU MedSPACE
Interactive multisensory environment, 2020
Die Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (JKU) errichtet derzeit im neuen Gebäude der Medizinischen Fakultät der JKU einen modernen, zukunftsorientierten Mehrzweck-Lernraum. Der Raum, der 2021 eröffnet werden soll, wird nicht nur als virtueller Hörsaal für Anatomiekurse genutzt, sondern auch für Live-Übertragungen aus Operationssälen zur Verbesserung der studentischen und postgradualen Ausbildung. Der JKU medSPACE wird dem Deep Space 8K des Ars Electronica Center nachempfunden sein.

Sounding Linz
Die für Sounding Linz entwickelten und geknüpften Klangfahnen markieren städtische Orte mit einer großen Aufenthaltsqualität oder kennzeichnen Orte mit großer Symbolkraft für die urbane Qualität der Stadt.

Breaking up the gameplay – a talk about feminism and experiencing the abolished private
Rebecca Merlic (HR)
Artist Talk about the feminist aspects of The City as a House, an interactive visual novel, an experiment of a white European 30-year-old heterosexual human, living in Tokyo without inhabiting a private apartment over a period of time.

The City as a House – A speculative exploration of the possibilities of abolishing known forms of habitation
Rebecca Merlic (HR)
Vast amounts of pictures, sounds, videos and 3D scans are organized as environments in Rebecca Merlic’s The City as a House, in form of an interactive visual novel. A work about the experiment of a white European 30-year-old heterosexual human living in Tokyo without inhabiting a private apartment over a period of time. A speculative exploration of the possibilities of abolishing known forms of habitation.

If once we ever were by Jaime Carrejo (USA)
Black Cube Nomadic Museum (USA)
Black Cube Nomadic Museums’ executive director and chief curator Cortney Lane Stell presents If once we ever were, a virtual recreation of a public sculpture and temporary monument by artist Jaime Carrejo that recognizes immigrants and their contributions to our communities. The monument is a triumphal arch composed of chain-link fencing that originally appeared in Denver, Colorado and acts as a metaphor for boundaries—the delineation of private and public space, the division of geographical borders, and the separation of rights.

Augmented Idolatry (AI) - inaugural project of the Desert Valley Art Ranch (VAR), San Luis Valley, Colorado
Augmented Idolatry (AI) is a collective AR artwork composed of seven distinct AR idols, designed in direct response to the landscape, history and spirituality of the San Luis Valley, home to the artist residency “Desert Valley Art Ranch.” An actual mud plinth built on-site is shared among the seven AR idols and connects them to the land. The AR idols refer to memento mori, indigenous histories, natural resources and sacred geometries.

Rio Verde
Cherish Marquez (US)
Rio Verde is a socially conscious video game by Cherish Marquez that explores the healing powers of the desert, as well as themes such as Latinx iconography and mental wellness.

Crosser & LaMigra
Rafael Fajardo (US)
Crosser & La Migra are two video games that represent opposite perspectives on the dynamics at the US-Mexico border, rendered as early arcade graphics and presented as a diptych. Artist and designer Rafael Fajardo is the founding director of SWEAT, a loose collaborative that makes socially conscious video games in order to explore the poetics of interactivity, critique and deploy electronic media, and comment on cultural realities.

John Jota Leaños
Leaños directed and produced the animated documentary, Frontera!, retelling the history of the 1680 Pueblo Revolt in New Mexico. The film has been supported by a 2012 Guggenheim Fellowship in Film and Video and a National Association for Latino Arts and Culture Grant, among others. Collaborators: Conroy Chino (Acoma Pueblo), Warren Montoya (Santa Ana Pueblo, Tamaya and Santa Clara Pueblo, Khapo Owinge’), Lee Moquino (Santa Clara Pueblo, Zia Pueblo, Apache/Yaqui), Aimee Villarreal, and Cristóbal Martinez (Alcalde).

Co\\aborative Conc(re)te
Gareth Proskourine-Barnett (GB), Mike Dring (GB), Alessandro Columbano (IT)
Co\\aborative Conc(re)te is an ongoing conversation between the artist collective, C100, and the cityof Birmingham using architecture to examine notions of progress, change, dis-location, and discovering the lost, forgotten and misplaced works reflecting a landscape of continual synthetic flux. When a building is demolished, it becomes a ghost. Its image haunts us, reminding us of a future that never came to be. But what if previous versions of the city remain in the digital realm. Our events explore what happens when a building that no longer occupies physical space lives on within digital networks - when it ceases to exist the physical matter its occupation of virtual territories take on an added significance? We (re)construct, (re)imagine and (re)build an idea of the future, for temporary gatherings in galleries or other unexpected venues as we work across sound, digital imagery, printed works, moving images, and structural models. Using adapted archival material and found soundscapes, C100 celebrates a collective vision for the future city, one lost to the bulldozer, the other emergent from the dust.

Co-Design Workshop: Humanizing the Internet of Skills
Technische Universität Dresden (DE)
The design approach of the Industrial Design Engineering Chair at TU Dresden connects a user-centered design perspective with the engineered development of product-service systems by placing the human experience at its center. Taking into consideration customers, market and corporate requirements, we are able to develop technically, ergonomically and aesthetically convincing products and innovation studies for tomorrow’s working environment. We strive for a better understanding of the design and development process. Relevant issues relate to the connection of product and service design. In addition, we apply design methods as catalyst in diverse interdisciplinary research and innovation projects. With the help of our demonstrators, interdisciplinary research is accelerated and research results are clearly communicated and successfully transferred to other researchers, industry and/or society.

Emilie Trice & LAST/RESORT present Garden del Rio Grande
Garden del Rio Grande pays homage to the geographic region around the Rio Grande River, which runs from central Colorado along the U.S./Mexico border to the Gulf of Mexico. Our garden contemplates how technology can reconnect us to the land and amplify indigenous voices, while questioning to what extent can art and design fortify sustainable ecologies. Through emerging technology we seek to reverse-engineer the past in order to reimagine the future.

STEAMHouse, Birmingham City University (UK)
Urban M is an Interreg Europe project led by Birmingham City University, its aim is to support nine European Cities to develop their city and regional innovation policies to help local makerspaces thrive.