
Neltokoni in cuícatl
hexorcismos AKA Moisés Horta Valenzuela (MX)
Neltokoni in cuícatl (Talismans in Poetry) is a multichannel audio/visual poetry performance driven by a disembodied AI system consisting of three generative deep learning models trained on precolumbian sonic forms, poetry and imagery.

Running Off the Senses
Yishu Jiang (AT), Ali Nikrang (AT), Daniela Mülleder (AT)
This performance with Yishu Jiang (violoncello), Daniela Mülleder (violin) and Ali Nikrang (piano) focuses on AI-composed music, with human-composed music as counterpoint.

COSA Connectors Live
Aren Davey, Everest Pipkin, shawné michaelain holloway
The three COSA Connectors will come together in a Livestream to talk about creative open-source software tools. They will discuss the series so far, talk about tools they would like to see created, and how they use the tools for their personal work. We will take questions from the viewers via the live-chat, including questions about using other tools and suggestions for future episodes.

Electronic Theatre @ Deep Space 8K
Since 1987, the Electronic Theatre has compiled a large number of submissions from all over the world, providing an up-to-the-minute survey of animation art in the context of technology and society. It impressively illustrates the dynamic development of artistic computer animation over the past three decades as well as the expansive growth of various fringe areas. A glance at the works selected this year shows a broad range, from animation in the context of performance and installations to real-time animation and multifaceted, subject-based discussions.

Gnawa Machine
Camel Zekri (FR), Marc Chemillier (FR)
The challenge of Gnawa Machine is to integrate the computer in a particular cultural context, that of the Gnawa Brotherhood in North Africa, of which Camel Zekri is a member.

Beyond Human Perception
María Castellanos & Alberto Valverde (ES)
The artwork is a video installation that allows the audience to visualize the reactions of humans and plants to a common stimulus: live music. The installation is the result of several sessions where the brain activity of humans was measured jointly with electrical oscillations in plants, using a sensor developed by the artists.

Wobbly (US), Jennifer Walshe (IE)
Tune in for the 2020 MOREOVER infomercial reveal, unboxing and presentation. What is MOREOVER?

Expanded Animation
In collaboration with the Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences’ Hagenberg Campus, the 8th Expanded Animation symposium carries on a process launched in 2013: to map the wide-ranging domain of animated worlds of imagery beyond well-trodden paths. The symposium stays the course originally set at its inception, and presents theoretical positions and perspectives from the art world, the R&D field and the industrial sector.

skip-the-line entrance
Daniel Hengst (DE)
Skip-the-line entrance, a collaborative guide to a speculative berlinDiscover a whole new Berlin. Join us on this journey and visit four local artists.

Prix Forum Computer Animation
These interviews will discuss the work of the artists throughout their MindSpaces residency. They will present their work so far and their collaboration with the technical partners of the MindSpaces consortium.

Local mutation imaginaries. Mapuche Culture Workshop.
As part of the celebration of the “Año Nuevo en el Sur” (Southern New Year), the Laboratory of Visual Anthropology of the Museological Direction, is conducting Workshops on Mapuche Culture taught by David Rain Canicura, peumatufe (the authority that guides the direction and decision-making of the community based on dreams) and nguillatufe (the authority responsible for the ceremony of Nguillatun). The proposal of the Mutations program is to generate a pre-recorded workshop that will allow the Mapuche imaginary about mutations to be better understood, as well as the experience of Mapuche communities in the current pandemic.

Telluric Mutations. The 1960 earthquake.
On May 22, 2020, 60 years since the largest seismic catastrophe ever recorded in the world was commemorated, a catastrophe whose epicenter was the city of Valdivia. The event had profound landscape, social, economic and cultural consequences for the affected cities and territories. The earthquake was a complex heritage where catastrophe and community resilience converge. The activity of the Austral Garden program is to share the series of initiatives prepared by the Museological Direction of Universidad Austral de Chile.

Moon Machine Field Trip
Tobias Euler (DE), Thies Mynther (DE), Veit Sprenger (DE)
The Moon Machine is a mobile music island, a bricolage with pneumatic instruments and mechatronic sound machines, sun umbrella, signal horns and acoustic collision warning devices.

Prix Ars Electronica u19–create your world
This year’s u19 exhibition will invite all winners to exchange ideas and projects with each other. Their “homebase” will be the physical exhibition of the projects, where the winners can explain these to other artists and visitors. They will share their talents and show the audience of Ars Electronica Festival their view of possible future scenarios. In 2019, the Prix Ars Electronica's u19–create your world category was divided into two sections. First, ideas and projects could be submitted to YOUNG CREATIVES (up to age 14). This sub-category impressively demonstrates how children can help shape the present and future from their own perspective. For YOUNG PROFESSIONALS (14 - 19 years), innovative lateral thinkers who have developed an artistic or critical project for the world of tomorrow are in demand.

Dresden’s Future Food. Zero Waste Edition – To the Last Crumb
No idea what to do with old bread or the leaves of radish? In three short tutorials, learn how to prepare a delicious starter, main course and dessert by using seasonal and regional ingredients. Part of the Deutsche Hygiene-Museum’s digital “Future Food. What will we eat tomorrow?” program. In cooperation with Commerzbank Foundation.

Aotearoa New Zealand Hub
The exhibition in Mozilla Hubs features 25 projects from New Zealand's technologists, artists and University researchers. visit

COSA Connector Tour Part 3
shawné michaelain holloway (US)
Engage with the third of three playlists from our COSA Connectors, exploring open-source tools for artists. We have curated useful selections from across the internet of free software to help you express your creative side. The guided tours will focus on what the tool can do, what kinds of projects you might use it for, and quick tips and tricks for getting started.

Expanded Animation: Artist Position
These interviews will discuss the work of the artists throughout their MindSpaces residency. They will present their work so far and their collaboration with the technical partners of the MindSpaces consortium.

COSA Connector Tour Part 2
Aren Davey (US)
Engage with the second of three playlists from our COSA Connectors, exploring open-source tools for artists. We have curated useful selections from across the internet of free software to help you express your creative side. The guided tours will focus on what the tool can do, what kinds of projects you might use it for, and quick tips and tricks for getting started.

Corona Improv Sessions
Many International Artists (INT)
The Corona Improv Sessions began in the global lockdown. Every Sunday, performers came together telematically to produce collaborative music and visual works across distant locations.