Create Your World

The Civil Society of the Future
Unabhängiges LandesFreiwilligen Zentrum (AT)
When, if not now, should we talk about the future of civil society? As with the refugee conflict in 2015, the corona crisis of 2020 highlighted the role of civil social engagement. Once again, it became clear how much the initiatives, associations, NGOs, NPOs and individuals we consider as “civil society” can do.

Matthias Janitsch, Simon Krist, Gabriel Neuberger / HTL Rennweg (AT)
In order to provide the patients with meals in the morning, at noon, and in the evening, care facilities and nursing homes employ personnel that use serving carts to transport the prepared food along with cutlery, plates, and glasses from the kitchen to the dining room several times a day. This entire process not only requires long distances be covered; a great deal of time must be invested as well—a total of 1.5 hours per day, according to studies. As the staff cares for the residents of these facilities around the clock and seven days a week, this process takes up some 550 hours per year. This time could certainly be better used in other ways, such as allowing staff to devote itself more intensively to the care of the patients.

In einer weißen Winternacht
Students at BrgOrg15 (AT)
The story line of the film: In a white winter night, parents tell their child a bedtime story. Thanks to the vivid description by the parents, the child experiences the tale in colorful images, and we see the pictures that unfold in the child’s mind. We can see, for example, how the snow in the winter night gradually transforms the landscape into a magical environment, wrapping everything in a soft, white blanket, as cozy as the child’s bed.

Der Vogel mit dem coolen Hut
23 students from class 3c at GTVS Kolonitzgasse, Vienna 3 (AT)
The creative and unusual ideas and the self-designed world with which the young artists confront us in this project are as outlandish as the execution itself.

Das Würfelhaus
Dominik Pichler (AT)
Das Würfelhaus is a work that one does not fully comprehend at first glance—but when one looks more closely, one understands: what we have here is a product of pure imagination.

Das Verschwinden der Trolle
Luis Schweighofer (AT)
The project Das Verschwinden der Trolle (The Disappearance of the Trolls) is a short film that was recorded in one take with a smartphone, using primarily Lego and Schleich figures and pictures. In order to change the “actors” and backdrops between the individual scenes, the recording was simply paused.

Schule der Zukunft
Matilde Irene Abarca Hernandez (AT)
Faced with the question “How could the school of the future look,” I suddenly had thousands of images in my head; super modern buildings, floating personalized touchscreens, digital textbooks ... But then I thought, regardless of how modern and cool a school like that would be, there will always be someone who just doesn’t like school. Perhaps this is because every person is different and therefore needs a different kind of learning.

Laurin Steinhuber (AT), Amelie Steinhuber (AT), Niklas Steinhuber (AT)
Lury is an animated film featuring 20-cm-tall figures and elaborate stage sets consisting of some 5,000 individual photographs. The main character is Lury, a fisherman who has lost interest in fishing and wonders what other kind of occupation he could pursue. When a knock comes at the door and he opens it to find a demon, nothing is as it once was.

Die Zukunft liegt in unseren Händen
Students from BG & BRG III Boerhaavegasse (*2005, 2006) (AT)
Together, we reflected on what we would wish for our future.

Students from class 4e at Musisches Gymnasium, Salzburg (AT)
Our audio mystery is concerned with the topic of copyright in the music industry, Internet piracy, and intellectual property.

Coded Art Gallery
Michael Zaminer (AT)
The Coded Art Gallery is a collection of nine different programs that offer a graphic representation and usually function in interaction with the observer. They can be executed with the computer only with the Processing IDE.

The Truth Part 2
Students from NMS Lehen, Creative Media Design (AT)
The Truth Part 2 is a mixed-reality game that takes players to the abysses of modern cities.

Ria Kathan (AT), Florian Sigl (AT)
Mankind’s most revolutionary invention has spread throughout society like a virus. The smartphone has infiltrated our everyday life quietly and inconspicuously and exerted an enormous influence on it. The price we pay for the convenience these devices offer us has a different significance for each of us, but its sum remains the same. Every one of us is responsible for oneself; one must decide whether one places the services provided by Google Maps, Instagram, Amazon, and WhatsApp above one’s own privacy. But these devices impact nearly every other area of our lives as well—in the case of young people, it is particularly their health that is affected.

Mirjam Fladenhofer, Clemens Pfeiffer, Nora Puntigam, Gergely Varecza, Max Wolfmajer / HTBLVA Graz-Ortweinschule (AT)
The short film Querdenker (Lateral Thinkers) looks at our modern social-media society as well as at lateral thinkers in society and how they are perceived. In a world that lives in an entrenched portrait mode, the young Mo defies these societal standards and films his videos in landscape or “lateral” orientation. One day in a park, three boys who, like Mo, are making a live stream, but in portrait mode, notice his unusual camera position and confront him about his alternative perspective.

Students from class 7c and 8a at BORG Bad Leonfelden (AT)
One of our school’s focal points is a special focus on arts with a strong emphasis on media. In our computer science class, we studied various ways of developing apps and in the process discovered the program Adobe Animate. We learned the programming language it uses, Actionscript, and began creating small applications that incremented variables or told stories in which the user could periodically decide how they would continue.

Symposium “Perspektiven politischer Bildung”
Arbeiterkammer OÖ (AT), Pädagogische Hochschule OÖ (AT)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is omnipresent, without us always being aware of it. For many years now, it has been making our everyday lives easier, for example when cell phones are unlocked by means of face recognition or when individual advertising guides us through the jungle of the Internet. AI can manipulate us humans. Can it thus become a danger to democracy? The first signs of this apparent development were brought about by the brexite vote or the US presidential elections, for example.

Musik zum Mitnehmen
Magdalena Schiesser / HTBLVA Graz-Ortweinschule (AT)
The two rings I designed are dedicated to the theme of Styria and the traditional “Klapotetz.” The special thing about the rings is that together, they make music. One ring looks like a small cog wheel, while the other is made out of steel resonating strips from an accordion. The cog-wheel ring is for the ring finger and the other ring for the middle finger. When one wears both rings on one hand, the movement of the cog wheel against the steel strips can produce a tone. The rings can also be worn separately, of course. I made both pieces of jewelry out of silver, using various silversmithing techniques.

Meine Welt, Deine Welt
Zoe Borzi (AT), Nikolaus Heckel (AT), Jonathan Steininger (AT)
How different are we really? This is the question that the documentary film Meine Welt, Deine Welt (My World, Your World) asks a drag queen, a monk, a female farmer, and an animal-rights activist—four people who could not be more different but who nevertheless have much in common. Four life stories about tolerance, decisions, and clichés.

Juksel - Die Jukebox der Zukunft
David Gangl, Max Grubauer, Paul Krenn, Julian Kronlachner, Paul Wiesinger / HTBLA Grieskirchen (AT)
With Juksel, you can join the other patrons in deciding what music should be played in your bar.

Fade – Fate
Sadet Muadini / HBLA für künstlerische Gestaltung (AT)
The animated film Fade – Fate explores the friendship between two comrades-in-arms that ends just as the film begins. One of the two is shot and killed in the war. Still in shock, the friend of the dying soldier begins experiencing flashbacks of their mutual experiences in the past. These flashbacks portray their friendship, marked by moments of happiness as well as episodes of conflict and rivalry. At the end of every flashback, a certain body part of the dying soldier begins to decompose and dissolve, a body part that had played a crucial role in that flashback.