Civil Society in the Digital World
Bal Masqué: EMAP Closing Party at Ars Electronica, organized by IMPAKT
European Media Art Platform (EMAP), IMPAKT [Centre for Media Culture]
The Bal Masqué is a virtual club night: a corona-proof merger of an online dance battle, a digital masked ball and a multitude of VJ-sets. We will have many international partners and guests, since it is the closing party of the EMAP 2018-2021 program. You are all invited to wear your craziest digital masks and party with us.
CODE: Reclaiming Digital Agency
IMPAKT [Centre for Media Culture] (NL), School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe (DE)
As our lives are increasingly taking place online, digital rights are important. But what are our online rights? How can we influence policies? CODE brings together artists, non-artists, politicians and policymakers in a dialogue to implement and improve laws and legislation that will protect our rights as digital citizens and online consumers.
Paul Merchant (GB), Catalina Valdés (CL), Green Art Lab Alliance – Cocina CoLaboratorio, Pollinaria, Fundación Mar Adentro, Undecided Productions, Polyco Contemporary Art Initiatives, Temporary Art Platform, Yasmine Ostendorf (various countries in South America, Asia and Europe)
Bringing together art and science practitioners and cultural actors to touch upon different forms of collaboration within the field of art & ecology, visitors will be able to tap into pre-recorded encounters and navigate through an interactive visual map created within a Miró board to hear the voices of practitioners across latitudes and longitudes.
Activations around Hybrid Creations
Mario Acha (DE), Irma Cabrera (PE), Raquel Garcia (PE), Teté Leguía (PE), Gonzalo Pflucker (PE), Anahí Soria (PE), Frank Soria (PE), Fabrizzio Yabar (PE), Sairah Espinoza (PE) and Almendra Otta (PE), Museo de Arte de Lima – MALI/ Alta Tecnología Andina – ATA
The project Hybrid Creations. Explorations and Exchange in Peruvian Audiovisual Media has as its correlate an event with face-to-face activations at the Museo de Arte de Lima - MALI, specifically on the second floor of the Palacio de la Exposición, a space that houses the museum's permanent collection.
Hybrid Creations
Mario Acha (DE), Irma Cabrera (PE), Rafael Hastings(PE), Giuliana Migliori (PE), Manongo Mujica (PE), Teté Leguía (PE), Gonzalo Pflucker (PE), Arturo Ruiz del Pozo (PE), Frank Soria (PE), Fabrizzio Yabar (PE), Krizia Zurita (PE), Sairah Espinoza (PE), Almendra Otta (PE), Museo de Arte de Lima – MALI/ Alta Tecnología Andina – ATA
Hybrid Creations will present an interdisciplinary and intergenerational perspective that brings together pioneering work from the 1970s through the 1990s, produced by young artists from different regions of the country who have developed video pieces since 2020.
Symposium „Die Zivilgesellschaft der Zukunft: Co-Kreation wirkt.“
ULF - Independent Regional Volunteer Center (AT)
Bei diesem Symposium tauschen sich nationale und internationale Politker*innen, Expert*innen, NGOs, NPOs, Freiwillige und weitere Interessierte über Neuerungen und zukunftsweisende Möglichkeiten freiwilligen Engagements im Allgemeinen und in Zeiten von COVID-19 aus.
Project presentation: Start a Reaction
Robert Pierce (US), Elise Butterfield (US), Taylor Shuck (US), Maysam Al-Ani (US)
This presentation by artists and curators Robert Pierce, Elise Butterfield, Taylor Shuck, and Maysam Al-Ani will feature documentation of the performance and AR works made as part of the Start a Reaction project, an anti-nukes art and technology campaign. Additionally, an overview of the project’s intentions, significance, and history of the threat of nuclear weapons.
Iran Taaziye
Golnaz Asldini (IR)
This Taaziye (Taziyeh) movie is about ritual of the Nooshabad people in a small city near Kashan, Iran. Annually, many people get together to mourn the martyrdom of Emam Hossein. The main feature of this event is that all activities in cities would be cancelled during the mourning carnival. This event is accompanied with live traditional, folklore music with a jubilant rhythm, but tragic lyrics. it’s the director has published a book about this subject, and defended her dissertation in master of theater directing in Turkey.
Future Communities’ In(ter)ventions I: Spatial Co-Lab
Jasmin Fischbacher (AT), Michael Kneidl (AT/ DE)
The first workshop of this series, titled Spatial Co-Lab (facilitated by Jasmin Fischbacher), will start with an audio-walk that lets us immerse ourselves in the future, from which we move back to the present. The second part of this workshop series, the Disruptive Life Hacking Lab by Michael Kneidl (AT) will be dedicated to the question of how design can add to fostering planetary consciousness.
Yu-Chin Lin (TW), Yun-Zhen Zhong (TW), Yu-Tzu Wang (TW), Yu-Ting Tseng (TW) & Yong-Han Huang (TW)
ARrow is an Augmented Reality app that can be downloaded to your mobile phone. Not only can participants paint randomly in the virtual world, they can also connect with scenery and people in real life through the GPS and camera of their phone. We have eased the feeling of distance produced by the use of mobile devices in the fast-food generation. Participants, pick up your paintbrushes! Spread your sketches across the huge canvas no matter where you are. Spread it, bloom it! ARrow invites you to show your pictures in Hsinchu-Taipei garden.