Digital Renaissance

Synaesthetic Syntax: Sounding Animation / Visualising Audio
Das diesjährige Symposium Expanded Animation, das in Form einer Reihe von Online-Veranstaltungen stattfindet, setzt den Dialog über die Beziehungen zwischen den Sinnen, insbesondere den auditiven und visuellen, fort. Welches sind die Regeln, Prinzipien und Prozesse, die die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Ton und Animation bestimmen? Wie können diese verkörperten Empfindungen in unserem Zeitalter der virtuellen Kommunikation, die durch COVID-19 intensiviert wird, erforscht, ausgepackt und neu zusammengesetzt werden?

Stories We Told Ourselves
Daniel Hutchinson (ZA), Reza Khota (ZA), Zorada Temmingh (ZA), Nicholas Aphane (ZA), Kyla-Rose Smith (US/ZA), Eugene Skeef (UK/ZA), Garth Erasmus (ZA)
Curated by composer and music educator Daniel Hutchinson, Stories We Told Ourselves is an online music series with new works in video format created in isolation by six outstanding artists: Reza Khota, Zorada Temmingh, Nicholas Aphane, Kyla-Rose Smith, Eugene Skeef, and Garth Erasmus. Through their works, the six participants reflect on the theme of isolation during the Covid-19 lockdowns, and the stories they told themselves to cope during this period. While the first three works showcase their improvisation approaches through the jazz guitar, pipe piano organ, and expressive dance, respectively, the latter three fuse original scores with photography, visual art and poetry.

Chuli HERRERA 2020-2021
My painting is indebted to the great masters of painting who have had an impact on visual memory and collective culture. In this sense, social networks are a repository in which the visual culture of our time is poured out in real-time.

Trip trough "We Tripantú" (Mapuche's New Year Celebration) - Chin Chin Tirapíe
Chinchintirapie (CL), La Fabulosa República de la Montaña (CL)
The “We Tripantu” it’s the traditional new year’s celebration for Mapuche People, normally celebrated on June 24th, when the shortest day of winter is upon us. The winter solstice, is the biggest celebration for Mapuche communities, welcoming the return of the new sun and the new life.

Art in the Cloud | Panel Discussion II
Jeffrey Geiringer (US/HK), Joanna Hoffmann (PL), Tobias Klein (GR/HK), Cédric Maridet (FR/HK), Ellen Pau (HK), Yu-Chuan Tseng (TW), Ken Ueno (US), Alvaro Cassinelli (UY/HK)
The development of media art and the online art space are both tightly enmeshed with the technological innovations of their times. Art in the Cloud is curatorial research that explores how the sudden growth of online art spaces contributes to the transformation of the presentation of media artworks. Specifically, we question how inherent characteristics such as interactivity and immersion shift in online exhibitions. How does today's online space contribute to, or limit, artistic creativity? What are some of the unexpected challenges that artists have encountered? What are some of the new potentials that emerge from the technological impediments we come across?

Art in the Cloud | Panel Discussion I
Tuçe Erel (DE), Ryo Ikeshiro (JP/UK/HK), Vincent Ruijters (Nl/JP), Tsui Ka Hei, Haze (HK), Elaine Wong (HK), Viola Yip (HK/GR), Damien Charrieras (FR/HK)

Art in the Cloud | Online Exhibition
Théodora Barat (FR), Alvaro Cassinelli (UY/HK), Chan, Ka Chun Joseph (HK), Marco Donnarumma (DE), Tuçe Erel (DE), Kattie Fan (HK), Jeffrey Geiringer (US/HK), David Rodriguez Gimeno (ES), Joanna Hoffmann (PL), Ryo Ikeshiro (JP/UK/HK), Jonathan Kemp (UK), Tobias Klein (DE/HK), Vvzela Kook (HK), Lai Chiu Han Linda (HK), LC RAY (US/HK), Lin Pey-Chwen (TW), Alexey Marfin (US), Cédric Maridet (FR/HK), Kingsley NG (HK), Royce NG (HK) x Alvaro CASSINELLI (UY/HK, Ellen Pau (HK), Vincent Ruijters (NL/JP) , Yu-Chuan Tseng (TW), Tsui Brothers (HK), Ken Ueno (US), Wong Suk Yin Elaine (HK), Viola Yip (HK/DE)
The development of media art and the online art space are both tightly enmeshed with the technological innovations of their times. Art in the Cloud is curatorial research that explores how the sudden growth of online art spaces contributes to the transformation of the presentation of media artworks. Specifically, we question how inherent characteristics such as interactivity and immersion shift in online exhibitions. How does today's online space contribute to, or limit, artistic creativity? What are some of the unexpected challenges that artists have encountered? What are some of the new potentials that emerge from the technological impediments we come across?

Compositions Digital Indaba 21
Dimitri Voudouris (GR/ZA), Hannes Taljaard (ZA), Neo Muyanga (ZA), Waldo Alexander (ZA), Yonela Mnana (ZA), Tiisetso Mashishi (ZA), Morné Van Heerden (ZA), Magda de Vries (ZA), Lungiswa Plaatjies (ZA), Matthijs van Dijk (ZA), Graham du Plessis (ZA), David Lubbe (ZA)
For the Digital Indaba 21, NewMusicSA commissioned three South African composers. These new works were premiered monthly in a concert series in Johannesburg and Cape Town. Panda Rhei is a new commission for violin and electronics composed by Dimitri Voudouris and performed by Waldo Alexander on violin and Voudouris himself on electronics at the Trevor Huddleston Memorial Centre (Johannesburg, ZA) on Sunday 7 March 2021. Cool as the Shade is my Soul.

The Garden Gazebo, LASER Linz
Christoph Thun-Hohenstein (AT), Monica Gagliano (AS), Martin Pfosser (AT), Gabriele Winkler (AT), Christa Sommerer (AT), Diana Ayton-Shenker (US), Fabricio Lamoncha (ES), Christiana Kazakou (GR/UK)
In September 2021, Linz is joining the Leonardo Art & Science Evening Rendezvous (LASER) network. This international program brings together artists, scientists, scholars and the general public for inspiring presentations and conversations.

YOUR HEALTH - Wild Plants, Cultivated Plants or In-vitro Plants
Jill Scott (AU/CH), Katja Cankar (NL), Marille Hahne (CH), Ingrid van der Meer (NL), Joanna Hoffman (PL/DE), Suvi Hakkinen (FI)
This LASER ZURICH event constitutes an immersive presentation by six researchers in four parts. They focus on how and why the production of our food will change in the future to incorporate the concepts of wild plants, cultivated plants and in-vitro plants.