For over three decades, the Prix Ars Electronica has been one of the world’s most coveted awards for digital media art. With the award-winning works of international artists serving as trend barometers, it provides an inspiring, up-to-date and forward-looking insight into the interface between art, technology and society.

In Linz, Austria: The Ars Electronica Festival presents the CyberArts Exhibition at OK in the OÖ Kulturquartier in Linz as one of its main shows. It showcases a selection of winning projects of this year’s Prix Ars Electronica. A selection from this year’s “Digital Musics & Sound Art” will reverberate at the SoundPark, a stage in the forest at Kepler’s Gardens, the festival’s main venue. Some of the prize-winning works can also be found in the Kepler’s Gardens Theme Exhibition.

Hybrid (Linz & Online): The Prix Forum is a platform for sharing cutting-edge art forms and their role in society through talks and discussions by this year’s Prix Ars Electronica winning artists and the jury. Formatted specially for the Festival, the award-winning works from the category “Computer Animation” are shown at the Ars Electronica Animation Festival within the Electronic Theatre – physically in Linz and virtually as well as Expanded Animation symposium. This year’s Award Ceremony is held in Linz on the Kepler’s Garden stage – of course it will also be streamed on the Ars Electronica channels, on the evening of Friday, September 10.

Online: Visit Ars Electronica online as well: Online workshops with award-winning artists give you a direct insight into their work and working methods. Live streaming of the artists’ works will also be available in collaboration with Garden Tokyo. Expert Tour by Juror will focus on “Intersectional Feminism” and “Artistic Journalism” will explore the perspectives of various artists from the three categories of Prix Ars Electronica. Don’t miss the interview sessions with the Prix Ars Electronica winners and the screening of their award-winning works streaming on the Ars Electronica Channel.

Exhibitions, Projects

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Events, Performances