Expanded Animation 2021

Synaesthetic Syntax: Sounding Animation / Visualising Audio

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In the age of pandemic, our previously normal experiences of human touch and intimate proximity have become mediated by the screen rather than felt directly. We can no longer hear live music and feel the sonic vibrations; see a painting’s texture in close proximity; become immersed in the events of live theatre, or engage in debate: these events are now bounded by the flat rectangular screen and limited by the extent of the pixels in our screen’s resolution.

Under these conditions, how can animation, in combination with music or audio art, re-engage us with bodily sensations received through the senses?

Coming together as a series of online events, this year’s Expanded Animation symposium continues a dialogue about relationships between the senses, in particular the auditory and the visual. What are the rules, principles, and processes that govern correlations between sound and animation? How might these embodied sensations be explored, unpacked and reassembled in our age of virtual communication intensified by COVID-19?