Bio Art

Roots & Seeds XXI - ABOUT_ Multidisciplinary Garden Cartography
Claudia Schnugg (AT)
During the Roots & Seeds XXI workshops, participants from different fields (artists, scientists, philosophers, researchers, curators, cultural agents, and others), whose practices are linked to the plant world in different ways, will analyze the crisis of biodiversity with the intention of proposing sustainable ways of relating to nature. Through these workshops, Roots & Seeds XXI seeks to safeguard and promote botanical heritage, weaving scientific knowledge with storytelling and humanities.

Journey - The Pulse of Earth
UAI Universidad Abierta Interamericana (AR), LatBiolab – Laboratorio Latinoamericano de Bioarte (AR), Puerto Rico Science, Technology and Research Trust (PR)
They Journey "The Pulse of Earth" will give the online visitors an impression of the garden Buenos Aires.

gREen : Sampling Color – Farbe Vermessen
An Art & Science Symposium
What is ‘green’? Are we ‘green’? And is it the vegetative world at all? Are algae ‘superfoods’, environmental pests – or both? Is biodiesel green? Beyond the rampant ‘greenwashing’ of our times, artists and scientists in this symposium get to the bottom of the increasingly uncritically accepted symbolism of ‘green’ – as a RE-mix and RE-evaluation of contradictions and paradoxes.

gREen - Opening events and performances
Agnes Meyer-Brandis (DE), Thomas Feuerstein (AT), Adam Brown (US), Jens Hauser (DE)
What is ‘green’? Are we ‘green’? And is it the vegetative world at all? With monumental biotechnical installations, olfactory portraits of trees and the chemical re-enactment of historical toxic pigments, this garden proposed by Muffathalle Munich, curated by Jens Hauser, fosters debates in climate politics in the field of tension between art, nature and science.

Garden PR and Garden Buenos Aires Program
Joaquín Fargas (AR), Giselle Aviles (PR), Carola Cintrón (PR)
This program opens with a welcome from our host institution, the UAGM Museum. Soon after, Joaquín Fargas’ performance will take place, effectively connecting Garden Buenos Aires with Garden Puerto Rico. The performance will attempt to showcase the Earth’s lifeforce as it relates to our human body, where information is dispersed in every cell, while also being interconnected as a whole – a sort of crypto body.

YOUR HEALTH - Wild Plants, Cultivated Plants or In-vitro Plants
Jill Scott (AU/CH), Katja Cankar (NL), Marille Hahne (CH), Ingrid van der Meer (NL), Joanna Hoffman (PL/DE), Suvi Hakkinen (FI)
This LASER ZURICH event constitutes an immersive presentation by six researchers in four parts. They focus on how and why the production of our food will change in the future to incorporate the concepts of wild plants, cultivated plants and in-vitro plants.

Microbes Performing in Zoom
Klaus Spiess (AT), Lucie Strecker (DE)
There is not only a decline in linguistic and phonetic diversity but also in the diversity of the microbiomes. Both the monopolisation of languages and the spatial distancing in digital communication exacerbate this decline. Spiess&Strecker's performance counteracts the simultaneous decline of microbial and linguistic diversity by presenting a vision of language as an ecological process.

LASER Alberta (CA), LASER Tempe (US), Diana Ayton-Shenker, Leonardo/ISAST, CEO (US)
How can an art, science and technology practice foster unusual connections and creative problem solving? How do we design for change? Through interdisciplinary collaboration, how do we engage in acts of speculative design and envision possible futures?

Bio Ink Experience
Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)
In nature, we co-exist and interact with many organisms. Working with them helps us better understand other beings and ourselves. Our Bio Ink research goes beyond digital and human-centric technologies by exploring the concept of living ink that grows freely, in a creative symbiosis with nature and other organisms. In the research, biological inks comprised of various microorganisms are created in the bio lab.

Hybrid exhibition “Algaphon”
Harpreet Sareen (US/IN/JP), Franziska Mack (DE/US), Yasuaki Kakehi (JP), Yasuaki Kakehi Laboratory, The University of Tokyo (JP)
Algaphon is a hybrid installation where algae bubbles that ring at minnaert frequency near algal filaments are rendered audible through a hydrophone. Online visitors can leave a voice message that is translated into photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) variations in a remote aquarium.