
Open Schooling Co-Creation Workshop
Cristina Olivotto (CH), Maria Vicente (PT/NE), Andrew Newman (AU/AT), Matteo Merzagora (FR), Pandora Sifnioti (GR), Shaun Ussher (IE), Open Science Hub Network (INT)
This workshop follows the panel A New Digital Deal for Transnational Collaboration and is facilitated by the Open Science Hub Network team, a consortium of nine European partners funded by the European Commission H2020 Program, that supports and engages schools and local stakeholders to use research and innovation as tools to tackle local challenges and contribute to sustainable community development.

Education Inspiration Session III - a create your world TOUR
Beate Absalon (DE)
In this Inspiration Session for teachers and educators, you can take part in the online workshop ‘That could help: Self-Care-Zines' created by Beate Absalon that will be delivered to school classrooms through the create your world TOUR. There are remedies for many crises: Video tutorials show how to write applications or how to prepare a dish. Magazines provide tips on how to flirt or gaming tricks. Some problems, however, are trickier and more complex. When you feel unwell, tense or tired, there isn't always a straightforward answer to the problem. Simple advice doesn't help: "Think about something positive!", "Don't be like that!", "Just try harder!" ...

Education Inspiration Session II - a create your world TOUR
Michaela Schober (AT), L. Vanessa Gruber (AT)
In this Inspiration Session for teachers and educators, you can take part in the online workshop created by Michaela Schober and L. Vanessa Gruber that is currently delivered to school classrooms through the create your world TOUR. Their workshop Climate Change in Stop Motion: Tell your Story! weaves together storytelling techniques with questions that will be crucial to the younger generation’s future.

Education Inspiration Session I - a create your world TOUR
Anna Kaufmann (AT), Sonja Groiss (AT)
In this Inspiration Session for teachers and educators, you can take part in the online workshop created by Sonja Groiss and Anna Kaufmann that is currently delivered to school classrooms through the create your world TOUR. The workshop is based on their project ‘Generation Y’ that was recognised in the Prix Ars Electronica U19 category in 2018. In their creative and interactive workshop, the topic of digitalization is presented in an informative and understandable way using the game ‘Generation Y’.

Education Conference: Art-led participatory platform for transdisciplinary open research
Kat Austen (UK/DE), Indre Žliobaitė (FI/LT), Laurence Gill (UK/IE), Andrew Newman (AU/AT)
Open science has received a lot of attention over the last decade. But what about open artistic research? From a starting point of collaboration between people of diverse backgrounds, the STUDIOTOPIA Palaeoplasticene project hosted by Studio Austen is developing a platform to facilitate transdisciplinary artistic research by non-artists into the long-term existence of microplastic. Designed to be adaptable to multiple artistic research contexts and to be re-deployable by other researchers, this platform development highlights the unique challenges, and rigour, of artistic research.

Education Conference: Open Education Resources for Critical and Creative Thinking
Creative School (INT), Pier Giacomo Sola (IT), Andrew Newman (AU/AT), Jo-Anne Sunderland Bowe (UK), Deborah Hustic (HR)
The Creative School project develops learning modules for children and school teachers, promoting self-directed learning, critical and visual thinking skills by using cultural heritage content made available by the partner organisations in Europe. This panel will introduce some of the open education resources developed in the project.

Education Conference: A New Digital Deal for Transnational Collaboration
Cristina Olivotto (CH), Maria Vicente (PT/NE), Andrew Newman (AU/AT), Matteo Merzagora (FR), Pandora Sifnioti (GR), Erik Knain (NO), Open Science Hub Network (INT)
Preserving the quality of the river streams in our villages, monitoring the air quality of the neighborhoods in our cities, engaging our communities to use plastic in a more sustainable way, developing strategies to fight Covid-19 vaccine misinformation. Water pollution, air pollution, plastic consumption, Covid-19 misinformation - these, amongst so many others, are challenges being faced and fought by communities everyday all over the world. Local challenges with global impact.

Education Conference: A New Digital Deal for Online Open Schooling
Anna Kaufmann (AT), Sonja Groiss (AT), Michaela Schober (AT), L. Vanessa Gruber (AT), Beate Absalon (DE), Andrew Newman (AU/AT)
While it is evident that the advantages of face-to-face teaching and learning in schools are irreplaceable, online education offers opportunities to open classrooms to wider society, where students can learn from artists, researchers, activists, industry leaders and other experts in their field.

Education Conference: An Oceanic Educational Ecosystem
Markus Reymann (DE), Mareike Dittmer (DE), Beatrice Forchini (IT), Petra Linhartova (CZ), Fiona Middleton (UK)
TBA21–Academy's digital educational ecosystem -, OCEAN / UNI, and ocean comm/uni/ty - was developed to resonate with its physical venue, Ocean Space in Venice. By developing such an ecosystem, these initiatives aim to translate existing knowledge for a broader audience through new mediation strategies and seek ways to bring the ethos of Ocean Space online: inclusivity, collaboration, curiosity, porosity, and imagination, creating common spaces to gather, discover and learn together.

Education Conference: „Am Puls“- Science Talk
Elisabeth Rosemann (AT), Fares Kayali (AT), Gernot Hörmann (AT)
At the Ars Electronica Festival's "Am Puls" Science Talk, educational researcher Fares Kayali and software developer and "Edutech" expert Elisabeth Rosemann (CoderDojo Linz) will take a look at the digital education of tomorrow. Moderated by Gernot Hörmann, they will discuss the consequences of technology and learning moving ever closer together.