Journey - Hybrid Creations
Alta Tecnología Andina – ATA (PE), Museo de Arte de Lima – MALI (PE)

The journey "Hybrid Creations" gives an impression of the garden Lima and its topics.

Chuli HERRERA 2020-2021

My painting is indebted to the great masters of painting who have had an impact on visual memory and collective culture. In this sense, social networks are a repository in which the visual culture of our time is poured out in real-time.

Activations around Hybrid Creations
Mario Acha (DE), Irma Cabrera (PE), Raquel Garcia (PE), Teté Leguía (PE), Gonzalo Pflucker (PE), Anahí Soria (PE), Frank Soria (PE), Fabrizzio Yabar (PE), Sairah Espinoza (PE) and Almendra Otta (PE), Museo de Arte de Lima – MALI/ Alta Tecnología Andina – ATA

The project Hybrid Creations. Explorations and Exchange in Peruvian Audiovisual Media has as its correlate an event with face-to-face activations at the Museo de Arte de Lima - MALI, specifically on the second floor of the Palacio de la Exposición, a space that houses the museum's permanent collection.

Hybrid Creations
Mario Acha (DE), Irma Cabrera (PE), Rafael Hastings(PE), Giuliana Migliori (PE), Manongo Mujica (PE), Teté Leguía (PE), Gonzalo Pflucker (PE), Arturo Ruiz del Pozo (PE), Frank Soria (PE), Fabrizzio Yabar (PE), Krizia Zurita (PE), Sairah Espinoza (PE), Almendra Otta (PE), Museo de Arte de Lima – MALI/ Alta Tecnología Andina – ATA

Hybrid Creations will present an interdisciplinary and intergenerational perspective that brings together pioneering work from the 1970s through the 1990s, produced by young artists from different regions of the country who have developed video pieces since 2020.  

Der Aufgang | The Uprising

Talk/Panel Discussion - The exhibition at the Lehar theatre in Bad Ischl is a Quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design intervention.