When the Wind Blows from Everywhere, We Make Art and (Sur)render Reality


Evelina Bernatonytė (LT)

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From icons suddenly bursting into tears to pieces of saints’ bodies becoming commodities, relics have acquired the ability to chimerically change the identity of their subject-object identity. In the Middle Ages, the relics of the most prominent saints were perceived as worthless until the church confirmed their authenticity. The most reliable proof of the authenticity of the relic was the fact that the sacred body did not rot. The production, distribution and competition of relics between different religious communities has become like turning parts of bodies into a commercial trade in peculiar souvenirs.
By acquiring the relic of the saint, people paid for the idea that with the help of a certain transcendent object they would remove their disability, recover from deadly diseases, and possibly improve their quality of life. Today, religion is no longer as relevant as it was in the Middle Ages, but the desire to overcome the limits of the human body remained. Every day rapid technological change brings us increasing quantities of mechanical relics. Their remains accumulate and form new cemeteries of non-rotting bodies.