Deep Space 8K

Searching for Planet B: How Astronomy Visualization and Remote Sensing Guide Us to Humanity’s Future

Dan Tell (US) 

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Freitag, 9. September 2022, 12:00 - 13:00
Samstag, 10. September 2022, 12:00 - 13:00
Sonntag, 11. September 2022, 13:30 - 14:30
Alle Termine werden in der Mitteleuropäischen Zeit (MEZ / UTC+1) angegeben.
Ars Electronica Center, Deep Space 8K
Zutritt nur mit Platzkarte. Platzkarten für diese Präsentation im Deep Space 8K sind am selben Tag ab 10:00 Uhr beim Infodesk im Ars Electronica Center erhältlich.

Ever since humans evolved the capacity to question and wonder, they have looked up to the sky above and attempted to understand the mysteries of the world. Thousands of years of increasingly precise measuring and modeling have revolutionized humanity’s understanding of the sky. We now know we are but a small, delicate world, one of many in a vast universe of planets, but unique as the only known abode of life. Seeking to understand this cosmic loneliness, we look out to deep space to try to understand the other worlds we know of in our cosmos, which has given us new insights into what makes Earth habitable. We can now improve our models of the universe to understand the composition of these other worlds and ask if they could also become new homes for humanity, but we can also turn gaze in space back to Earth to try to understand how we can restore our own planet. 


Dan Tell is the Manager of Planetarium Engineering at the California Academy of Sciences. His work over the last decade has focused on integration of GIS data, including high-resolution terrain, for interactive use in planetarium software for climate and planetary geology visualization. This work engages with scientists to enhance their research and outreach with visualization-driven storytelling.


Dan Tell, California Academy of Sciences; Matthew Wrenne, California Academy of Sciences

This year’s Festival programme in Deep Space 8K is kindly supported by Dorotheum and Linz AG
DorotheumLinz AG