(In)Tangible Future(s)

Sensory Archeology Tour

David Altweger (AT/ UK), Magdalena Haidacher (AT), Margarita Köhl (AT), Florian Ramsebner (AT), Kenji Araki (AT/JP)

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Sensing the City

In contrast to cities on Planet B, urban conglomerates on Planet A were full of physical and imaginary boundaries promoting segregation and intersectional discrimination.

This project adopts the Situationist concept of psychogeography as a radical political strategy which has the potential to transform our experience in public space. The mapping of the emotional impact gives insights into the power dynamics epitomized in the seemingly neutral built environment. Sensing the urban environment generates insight into how the intensity and tonality of impact differs along race, class, and gender lines as part of a narrative of power. This interactive installation stimulates the development of a more sophisticated sensory vocabulary based on emotional granularity. A continuously growing archive of sensory vocabulary will be shared as an emancipatory act liberating from the atmospheric constraints of cities.


David Altweger (AT/ UK) is a visual artist, director, designer, and educator based in London. He graduated from Camberwell College (UAL). He is a projection artist and composer and creates interactive installations and reactive live visuals. He is associate lecturer for digital media at the Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries at Middlesex University.

Magdalena Haidacher (AT) has an academic background in geography where she has dealt intensively with human-environment interaction, climate change and geographic information systems. She graduated from the InterMedia master’s program at the Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences. Her research focuses on the visualization of complex system dynamics, data design and process visualization.

Margarita Köhl (AT) is a transdisciplinary researcher and curator with a focus on affective and emotional aspects of technology appropriation and critical design. She holds a PhD in Communication Studies (University of Vienna) and an MA in Arts & Cultural Management, East Asian Studies and Art History. Currently, she is the head of the Department of Design at the University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg, Austria.

Florian Ramsebner (AT) is an MA student at the Department of Design, Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences. Currently, he is working on his MA project, where he is developing an Augmented Reality Application for exploring a model of Brigantium, examining its added value for cultural education.