Sparks of Spices

Luky Wiranda (ID) x Despora (Octavianus Frans) (ID), Emmanuel Putro (ID), Budi Sriherlambang (ID), Bayu Dirgantoro (ID)

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The focus of this study is about spices that are hundreds of years old, and how spices have mingled in world culture. In a world that has been strongly connected by technological advancement, this has made it easier for humans to interact with each other, triggering dialogue and reflection on human civilization. Technology is increasingly capable of receiving dynamic and real-time inputs, which can be a bridge that will maintain the human treasures of the past with the present to begin to taste the future.


The Indonesian collective consists of 4 male figures, 4 lecturers and 1 student who share common visual experience backgrounds, who then cross-pollinate each other’s creative experiences and develop their interests before finally deciding to collaborate to produce visual works. Embedding local cultural values translated into visual interactive media.


Connected Art Platform (CAP), Luky Wiranda, Despora, BINUS University School of Design