Water in (post)Anthropocene
Robertina Šebjanič (SI), Gjino Šutić (HR)

The workshop brings the invisible world of contemporary microscale and nanoscale/molecular water pollutants - the smallest but potent residues of human activity; unsustainable consumerism, urbanization, and exploitation of the world waters and life within.

A Plantless Planet: Art and Science as a Tool for Plant Resistance
Claudia Schnugg (AT), Ekaterina Nikitina (RU), Gabino Carballo (ES), Tatiana Kourotchkina (RU), Zackery Denfeld (US)

As the biodiversity crisis and the climate emergency are threatening to make life on Earth unbearable, art and science practices, approaches, and aesthetics have the potential to create a new framework to develop tools and strategies against biodiversity crisis.

Transdisciplinary Cultures of Collaboration
Andrew Newman (AU/AT), Audrey-Flore Ngomsik (FR/BE), Kat Austen (GB/DE), Mairéad Hurley (IE), Andres Colmenares (CO/ES)

A sustainable future requires integrative, interdisciplinary and intersectoral approaches to engage with the complex interdependencies of human, non-human and more-than-human systems. Can a STEAM approach to education, one that emphasises the value of art in fostering creative and critical thinking, ensure that we have the necessary skills to face this challenge?

Keynote by Carmody Grey
Carmody Grey (GB)

Carmody Grey is a philosopher, ethicist and theologian working at Durham University UK, she researches and teaches on science, economy and environment.

Residency. But How?
Christian Rauch (DE), Aimee Van Wynsberghe (CA), Irakli Sabekia (GE), Marjan Žitnik (HR), Robertina Šebjanič (SI)

Residency programs offer an opportunity for Artists or Scientists to swap their respective point of view – from working in an atelier to testing their skills in a laboratory context and vice versa – thus encouraging the exchange of ideas and building of new conceptiual models for problem solving.

Spotlight by Selina Neirok Leem
Selina Neirok Leem (MH)

Communities like those of the the low-lying Majōl (Republic of Marshall Islands), a sprawling chain of islands and islets in the Pacific Ocean, are at the frontlines of climate change. They are at risk of losing everything including their very way of life – to a crisis they did not create. By ways of a stirring poem and talk, Seline Neirok Leem explains why she refuses to give up the fight against climate injustice.

Fragility & Beauty – Earth from Space
Nils Sparwasser (DE), Robert Meisner (DE), Rupert Huber (AT)

Join us on a journey around the world with breathtaking satellite images of our planet. Robert Meisner (ESA) and Nils Sparwasser (DLR) show how beautiful, fragile and endangered our planet is and how we are changing the surface of the Earth at an unprecedented speed. Be fascinated by the possibilities of Earth observation satellites, which today permanently provide us with information about the state of our planet.

Taking the pulse of our planet from space
Simonetta Cheli (IT) , Robert Meisner (DE)

The view of the Earth from space is the only perspective that allows us to observe changes on our planet. To demonstrate the relevance and value of Earth observation in terms of environmental and socio-economic benefits, the journey takes us to current issues around climate change with a virtual presentation.

The Nature of Systems
Sebastian Pirch (AT), Norbert Unfug (AT), Christiane V. R. Hütter (AT), Jörg Menche (DE) 

We live in the anthropocene, where human and natural ecosystems collide. In this interactive visualization, we explore the emergence and breakdown of complex systems from the cellular to the planetary scale. Life emerges from the interactions of biomolecules, cities from connecting people, the global society from sharing ideas. These systems can be beautiful, but also fragile.

Deep Delivery
Jeremiah Diephuis (US), Andrea Haider-Pachtrog (AT), Rita Hainzl (AT), Paul Huemer (AT), Sebastian Mayer (AT) 

In the co-located game Deep Delivery, designed specifically for Deep Space in the Ars Electronica Center, players assume the role of delivery services that take orders from the participating viewing audience, competing for the most accurate and fastest delivery performance.