Ars Electronica ANIMATION FESTIVAL 2022
After two very challenging years, the Ars Electronica Animation Festival returns to its physical space. The screening programs and presentations will be shown at the JKU Campus and the Ars Electronica Center Deep Space 8K. The Expanded Animation Symposium and the Synaesthetic Syntax conference, organized with the UCA since 2020, will take place at the Ars Electronica Center.
Smirna Kulenovic (BA), Damian Cortes-Alberti (AR), Julia Moser (AT), Alejandra Benet Garcia (ES), Laura Gagliardi (IT), Lucia Mauri (IT), Ariathney Coyne (EL/US), Alessia Rizzi (IT), Lina Pulido Barragan (CO), Sara Koniarek (AT), Maria Dierneder (AT), Felix Chang (AT), Daphne Xanthopoulou (EL)
We are all Bodies of Water: Re-enchanting the Vulva, re-spiriting the Danube, inviting the magic back into our oceanic beginnings. Entangled between our menstrual blood and primeval waters of Dānu, we embody our ancestral river myths through our common microbes, dancing. Leaking, sponging, and dissolving our human watery bodies, we invite the audience into a ritualistic gaze of interacting dependency — a mystical relationship with our larger, ecological, Bodies of Water.
Kaoru Tashiro (JP), Razieh Kooshki (IR), Vahid Ghaderi (IR)
A performance of Real time 3D visual with Piano playing the compositions by Kenji Sakai (JP), Julia Purgina (AT), Claude Ledoux (BE), J.P. Deleuze(BE)
Cooperative Aesthetics Performance
Botond Kelemen (HU), Bálint Budai (HU), Daniel Haas (artistname STURMHERTA) (AT )
Mold yourself! Fungi have existed for billions of years, setting the stage for humanity by supporting, carrying and converting life. – Schwarzes Rauschen (Black Noise) The project is an immersive, interactive installation, consisting of 12 different, dynamic worlds, which change their structures with the movement of the group of people currently being tracked.
Elliott Gaston-Ross (GB/IE) , Indiara Di Benedetto (IT)
The project Rooted performed at the Deep Space 8K is an artistic depiction of the effects of climate change on our planet through live electroacoustic musical performance with accompanimental visual effects by Indiara Di Benedetto.
Mauricio Lacrampette (CL), Santiago Valdivieso (CL), Diego Gajardo (CL), Lucas Margotta (CL)
Liquid Sky is a ritual in which the interaction between the live image of the Atacama sky, the Ars Electronica attendees in Linz and a series of machines, mechanical gestures and data flows are assembled in a rhizome of trans-local feedback. Distinction between observer and observed is blurred, giving rise to the possibility of a collective tele-contemplation, using the fluctuating image of the sky as a means of global encounter.
The Fallen Clouds
Josefina Buschmann (CL), Daniela Camino (CL), Nicole L’Huillier, Francisca Saéz(CL), Poli Mujica (CL)
The Fallen Clouds is a speculative research-based installation that delves into the socio-environmental resonances of digital infrastructures in Chile by following a “digital cloud” searching for its body and origin extended from the Pacific Ocean to the Atacama Desert.