Blue Tears Ep.1
Hsiao-Yue Tsao (TW)

Sandbox originally represented a safe environment isolated by computers. The work uses a sandbox as a metaphor for people receiving information. Through real-time visual and intercepted network open data, the daily work of word processing becomes an artwork that is transformed into an immersive experience.


Sandbox originally represented a safe environment isolated by computers. The work uses a sandbox as a metaphor for people receiving information. Through real-time visual and intercepted network open data, the daily work of word processing becomes an artwork that is transformed into an immersive experience.

Childhood Revisited
Hakka Public Communication Foundation (TW)

There is a darkroom flashing with dim red lights. A person carefully puts the negatives into the cassette with both hands, focusing on the paper below with a magnifier moving up and down in flaring lights. An image emerges on the paper. The sound of splashing water and laughter brings the person back to the 1940s via this photo to look through a childhood in a big world. A person returns to childhood with dreams and imagination and enters a timeline without the restraint of time and space.

Hsin-Chien Huang (TW)

Samsara VR teleports the audience to a journey that spans millions of years. Like the Six Realms of Existence in Buddhism, the audience reincarnate into different persons and creatures and experience the universe in their new bodies to find the ultimate transcendence spiritually. Through interactivity and VR, the audience can live inside bodies of different persons and creatures.