Cuba visits Linz: A delegation from the Cuban Computer Science Union finds inspiration in the Ars Electronica Futurelab’s unique concept.
As Ars Electronica is a platform for those who see the future as the responsibility of our time and face it with social activation and empowerment, the last festival hosted projects which focused on making different realities and identities visible.
In this interview, Gerfried Stocker explains why it takes more than virtual meetings to get people talking and how the Ars Electronica Festival is trying to become sustainable and resource-conserving.
A fascinating journey through the human body turns anatomy data into an immersive 3D experience in Ars Electronica Center.
From the hopelessness of the climate crisis to the thinking space of art – in this conversation with Gerfried Stocker, we take a closer look at the theme of the 2022 Ars Electronica Festival.
What is Julie Andrews doing in the Aral Sea with VR goggles? Gerfried Stocker, Artistic Director of Ars Electronica, explains the thoughts behind the festival subject “Welcome to Planet B” and tells us how the image was created.
With “Virtual Anatomy” in Deep Space EVOLUTION you can now experience the fascination of the human body even more impressively!
Digitalisation is changing the way we learn together at school. The jury of the education award “Klasse! Lernen” looked at ideas and proposals for using these digital tools.
Gustav Klimt and Rebecca Merlic placed the image of the woman at the centre of their artistic work – an analysis.
On April 28, 2022, Gustav Klimt’s images of women will be in the spotlight. In this article, Franz Smola and Rebecca Merlic give you an insight into the topic of images of women.
What lifestyle changes are you willing to make to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions? Challenge your choices!
Can records be made from biomaterials? Artists Kat Austen and Fara Peluso think so and will work on developing a low-carbon alternative to vinyl during their S+T+ARTS Residency.
Law students rarely deal with new technologies – that’s what the Future Thinking School and the JKU want to change.
To kick off the new year, the Ars Electronica Futurelab is giving very special futurologists a chance to have their say.
Outside is winter, inside we harvest our own grain. Three months we have struggled, spent more than 400 euros, but harvested less than 800 grams of barley.
A new workshop format encourages people to question their own thinking about sustainability and thus initiate change. Let’s take a closer look!
To counteract climate change, plastics must be handled differently. Design, life cycle, recycling on the one hand, industry, society and politics on the other hand are needed for this.
How can a global communication tool like the Internet help to mobilize even more people to act together against climate change?
In this video tour of the “Alchemists of the Future” exhibition, Hideaki Ogawa takes you on an extraordinary journey into the future.
By the means of Citizen Science, a new laboratory and workshop area, interactive research stations and immersive worlds in Deck 50 awaken the researcher’s instinct in visitors and invite to engage.
The last day of the festival is underway, and it’s a busy one. Art Thinking Day once again shines the spotlight on the artists, especially the Prix Ars Electronica winners.
Anthropocene, data capitalism and big tech monopolies – only a few years back and the terms would have been either completely unknown or at least neglectable. Now, in the midst of the digital transformation, they are omnipresent and have given birth to the term “digital humanism”.
Climate justice, sustainable digitization, solidarity and care, low-carbon design and education – all important ingredients for a new approach to the challenges of our time.