Diabetes is a so-called disease of affluence or lifestyle disease. It can do catastrophic damage to the body if left untreated. The Ars Electronica Center recently installed a very informative exhibit about Ypsomed’s Omnipod, a compact insulin pump that makes everyday life a lot easier for diabetics. Thomas Jannke, the AEC’s vice-director of visitor services…
If you want to present someone the city of Linz with a single picture, which would you choose? Mag.a Dr.in Cornelia Daurer from the Archive of the City of Linz knows many views of the town, as they have emerged in the last few centuries.
My kids are smarter and more creative; my children retreat into their virtual worlds and become violent offenders. Two views on computer games, as they cannot be more different. But both do not seem to be true. The media educator Dr. Konstantin Mitgutsch tries to clean up with many of these myths in an interview.
In an interview, Othmar Coser of the Austrian Space Forum talks about the use of satellites for natural disasters as they occur currently in the Philippines, but also about how we humans can else use this technology in space.
Blaise Judja-Sato, Executive Manager of ITU Telecom, talks about the immense importance of information and communication technology (ICT) at present time – a time which can be called in any case as a “revolution” in his opinion.
The Blind Robot by Louis-Philippe Demers (CA) has received a Honorary Mention in Hybrid Art at the Prix Ars Electronica 2013. It was on display during the CyberArts 2013 at TOTAL RECALL – The Evolution of Memory and is part of The Lab, an exhibition curated by Ars Electronica for the ITU Telecom World 2013.
This blog-post sums up Bill Fontana’s last week of his Collide@CERN- Residency.
The Festival Ars Electronica is a place to test out new ways. The Future Rock Show is one of those tests, introducing a new form of discussion. This is it’s story.
The internet is pushing retail to it’s limits, offering endless opportunities to spend one’s well-earned money. Well working strategies of old don’t cut it anymore, in order to compete with onlineshops, one has to find clever ways to enhance the shopping-experience. Umdasch Shopfitting and Ars Electronica Solutions have teamed up to offer something new.
Watch about Bill Fontana’s third week at the CERN.
The 2013 Ars Electronica Festival with its Total Recall theme provided a most appropriate setting for the premiere of MEGA – Museum of Electronic Games & Art’s “Ludic Memento” exhibition that not only takes a diversified approach to stimulating visitors’ recollections and reactivating nostalgic feelings but also demonstrates promising tactics for dealing with digital memory.…
[:de]Schnell sind sie vergangen, die sieben Stunden der „ORF Langen Nacht der Museen“ am SA 5.10.2013 im Ars Electronica Center Linz. Von 18:00 bis 1:00 Früh erwartete die BesucherInnen ein bunter Mix aus halbstündlich wechselnden Shows im Deep Space, Spezialführungen und Präsentationen in den Ausstellungsbereichen.
Check out some impressions from the Linz Verändert – Tent, which again is one of the centerpieces of the Urfahraner Herbstmarkt. There’s still a full weekend ahead to enjoy the installations on your own.
“Is it always the case that you are getting so thirsty?”, Julia asks while the brain computer interface is being removed together with its wiring from her head. The pupil has just successfully painted her first picture with the power of her mind only.
The Futurelab launched the Ars Electronica Residency Network at this year’s festival. In the Pixelspaces conference series, an entire segment was devoted to this new program.
Connecting Cities is a world-wide initiative that brings together cities and institutions to discuss art and it’s reception in public spaces.
The Urfahraner Herbstmarkt is opening it’s doors on Saturday, September 28th. A part of is the Linz Verändert – Tent, where Ars Electronica is cooperating with the Stadt Linz AG to provide insight on how the city works. PIKA360 is one of the new installations on display and we have talked to the developers to…
After the first week’s video blog, Bill Fontana started exploring the CERN laboratory in many different ways. Armed with his accelerometers, which are used by structural engineers traditionally to measure the movement of structures and his recording equipment, he revealed the inner sound worlds of dipoles, the CERN grid in the computer centre and even…
You’ll find all the talks of the second day of the TOTAL RECALL – Symposium.
All the talks of the first day of the TOTAL RECALL – Symposium are collected here.
[:de]Die voestalpine Klangwolke 2013 will noch verarbeitet werden, Aural-Memory-Machine hat unglaubliche akustische Eindrücke hinterlassen, und die OK Night hat so einige zum Tanzen gebracht. Zeit zum Ausruhen bleibt allerdings keine, auch am Sonntag gehts dahin.
The Golden Nicas were awarded, and there’s still a lot to discover at TOTAL RECALL – The Evolution of Memory.