The Print3Dfuture Conference, Austria’s first conclave dedicated to three-dimensional printing, was held on March 27th at the Odeon Theater in Vienna. Among the speakers was the manager of the FabLab at the Ars Electronica Center Linz, Alina Sauter. Here, she talks about this fascinating topic.
March 1914. Linz is a prosperous town in peace – for the population there is no evidence of a major European war. In a Deep Space LIVE Markus Altrichter from the Archives of the City of Linz shows historical pictures from the First World War – a time that was marked in Linz of hunger.
The visualization of his dance performance entitled “Anatta” totally blew away the audience that gathered in the Ars Electronica Center’s Deep Space in late January 2014, now it can be seen in March 2014 again. Viktor Delev gave us a few personal insights into his work.
What defines a good animation? And what developments can be expected in this area? Prof. (FH) Mag. Dr. Jürgen Hagler Mag from the Upper Austrian University of Applied Sciences Campus Hagenberg presents a brief inventory of the genre and introduces the animations that can be seen at Deep Space LIVE on THU March 20, 2014,…
Modern imaging procedures used in the medical field today provide fascinating insights into what goes on inside a human being. Dr. Franz Fellner of Linz General Hospital recently talked to us about the possibilities created by visualizations in Deep Space.
This weekend, on March 1, 2014, the “”, a developer conference from Europe, will take place at the Ars Electronica Center in Linz – after its first edition in Istanbul last year.
The more we look back into the history of the city of Linz, the more difficult is it to trace the lives of the people of that time. Which sources do historians like Dr. Cathrin Hermann from the Archives of the City of Linz need in order to trace a picture of Linz 500 years…
Curt Morgan is one of the most famous producers in action sports films – in an interview with Ars Electronica he talks about the film “The Art of Flight”, which can be watched in the context of Deep Space LIVE at the Ars Electronica Center in its 3-D version.
As a passanger of the Russian nuclear icebreaker Yamal, the strongest ship in the world, the scientific editor Prof. Mag. Josef Friedhuber reports on his trip to the North Pole.
In the new exhibition series “TIME OUT .01”, which opened in January 2014 in collaboration with the program “Time-based and Interactive Media” of Linz Art University, the Austrian artist Stefan Tiefengraber presents three of his works in the foyer of the Ars Electronica Center in Linz . In this interview, the 32-year-old talks about them…
The cityscape of Linz has changed significantly in recent decades. Dr. Fritz Mayrhofer from the Archives of the City of Linz presents some examples during Deep Space LIVE.
The exhibition “Out of Control – What the Web knows about you” calls us in mind since April 2012 what governments and companies do with our data and tracks on the Web. FH-Prof. DI Robert Kolmhofer explains how we can best protect our data and he presents its 10 top links about the topic.
40 traumatized chimpanzees previously used as test objects for a pharmaceutical company in a laboratory and infected with HIV and hepatitis viruses are now being cared for in a former safari park near Vienna of four animal keepers. On THU January 16, 2014, 8 PM, filmmaker Christian Rost gives personal insights into this touching story…
“TIME OUT”, this is the title of the new exhibition series at the Ars Electronica Center, which will open on THU January 30, 2014, 7 PM, and will present from now on selected and excellent works of the study course “Time-based and Interactive Media” at the University of Art and Design Linz.
Javier Lloret (ES) is an artist and designer. And he likes to solve Rubik’s cubes, for example on the media-facade of the Ars Electronica Center.
Thomas Bredenfeld, expert in the field of panoramic photography and author, talks about the fascination of wide-format pictures and how these can be created today. On THU December 12, 2013, Thomas Bredenfeld speaks during a Deep Space LIVE at the Ars Electronica Center.
Introducing children and young people to science and technology in a sporting atmosphere, that’s the goal of the FIRST LEGO League. This year the Austria-edition will take place again at the Ars Electronica Center.
Diabetes is a so-called disease of affluence or lifestyle disease. It can do catastrophic damage to the body if left untreated. The Ars Electronica Center recently installed a very informative exhibit about Ypsomed’s Omnipod, a compact insulin pump that makes everyday life a lot easier for diabetics. Thomas Jannke, the AEC’s vice-director of visitor services…
If you want to present someone the city of Linz with a single picture, which would you choose? Mag.a Cornelia Daurer from the Archive of the City of Linz knows many views of the town, as they have emerged in the last few centuries.
My kids are smarter and more creative; my children retreat into their virtual worlds and become violent offenders. Two views on computer games, as they cannot be more different. But both do not seem to be true. The media educator Dr. Konstantin Mitgutsch tries to clean up with many of these myths in an interview.
In an interview, Othmar Coser of the Austrian Space Forum talks about the use of satellites for natural disasters as they occur currently in the Philippines, but also about how we humans can else use this technology in space.
[:de]Schnell sind sie vergangen, die sieben Stunden der „ORF Langen Nacht der Museen“ am SA 5.10.2013 im Ars Electronica Center Linz. Von 18:00 bis 1:00 Früh erwartete die BesucherInnen ein bunter Mix aus halbstündlich wechselnden Shows im Deep Space, Spezialführungen und Präsentationen in den Ausstellungsbereichen.
“Is it always the case that you are getting so thirsty?”, Julia asks while the brain computer interface is being removed together with its wiring from her head. The pupil has just successfully painted her first picture with the power of her mind only.
Nicole Grüneis of the Ars Electronica Center’s Education and Cultural Communication department designs together with her colleagues exhibitions’ supplementary program of guided tours and workshops. In this interview, she talks about mediating visitors’ encounters with “Project Genesis – Life from the Lab”.
Jeremiah Diephuis and Stefan Schraml collaborated with associates in the Linz gamer scene to launch GameStage. In this interview, the two game experts talk about computer gaming, their exhibition at the Ars Electronica Festival, and the game events coming up at FamilyDays in November.
Molecular biologist Manuel Selg, scientific advisor of the Ars Electronica Center was also involved as expert for the new exhibition “Project Genesis”. We asked him what synthetic biology actually is, about the current state of knowledge and research in this field, and to assess the prospects for development in the coming years.