Der immersive Klangraum Being Anton im Ars Electronica Center in Linz – entwickelt vom Ars Electronica Futurelab – bietet Besucher*innen die Möglichkeit, die Klangwelt des Komponisten Anton Bruckner auf neue Art zu erleben. Basierend auf intensiver historischer Recherche, tauchen sie ein in die Geräuschwelt der Industriellen Revolution, die sich mit Ausschnitten aus Bruckners Symphonien –…
Nikkei, Japans führende Wirtschaftszeitung, und Ars Electronica haben in Zusammenarbeit mit Hakuhodo am 30. Oktober 2023 in der Nikkei Hall in Tokio das Art Thinking Forum, eine Gemeinschaftsveranstaltung zur kreativen Umgestaltung künftiger Geschäfts- und Wirtschaftsaktivitäten veranstaltet.
Was können wir uns unter dem Konzept der künstlichen Intelligenz vorstellen und was wollen wir damit erreichen? Und was verstehen wir eigentlich von der menschlichen Intelligenz und wie kann man versuchen, ein Modell von ihr zu erstellen?
The Deep Space 8K has received a major upgrade in 2022 – read all about the technical innovations as well as the latest programs on our Deep Space 8K EVOLUTION page!
Das Herzstück der ersten Hauptausstellung „New Views of Humankind“ im Jahr 2009 bildeten vier öffentlich zugängliche Labore.
The heart piece of the first main exhibition “New Views of Humankind” in 2009 was constituted by four public accessible labs.
How can a person’s unique personality and essential character traits be captured, simulated and imparted to a robot?
In 2009, the inspiring possibilities of the CAVE technology were the starting point for a new, visionary concept to expand and optimize VR technology for a broad public in the Ars Electronica Center and its constantly growing number of visitors.
“Papyrate’s Island” is a multi-user interactive narrative on the Deep Space platform that was developed in collaboration with the Media Interaction Lab in Hagenberg. Technically speaking, “Papyrate’s Island” is a cross between a VR environment and a nonlinear animation film.
The collaboration between SAP and Ars Electronica has been in place since 2002. This partnership is a prototype for new models of collaboration between art, business, technology and society. The collaboration ranges from media art presentations at SAP events and novel visualizations of information to joint research projects and innovative social initiatives.
In the beginning, there was Humphrey — a mechatronic device that worked in conjunction with a pair of data glasses to simulate flight in a 3-D environment. This installation in the Ars Electronica Center has been a smash hit with visitors since the museum opened, having replaced almost all the exhibits on display there at…
The CAVE project by Peter Kogler originated within the framework of the Artist-in-Residence Program.