What is Sound – Alpha blending
Luana Lojić (HR)

What is Sound: Alpha blending is an audio-visual performative search for available information on the smallest things and units ever recorded or seen based on internet stored data (ex. bits, nanobes, phonemes, photons, atoms, etc.). Its constant is made of endless improvised medial translations formed from free online available generative tools and starts with a question posed into a search engine, building informational layers of text, sound, pictures and moving images.

S+T+ARTS Talk: Art & Tech for Urban Resilience

How can artists help to create new collective imaginaries and participatory systems, spaces for reflection and criticism for the future of our cities? How can urban planners and policy makers be inspired by these scenarios and reflections on urban citizenship in the light of digital innovation? Discover the full line-up of this talk.

Maki Namekawa (JP/AT), Dennis Russell Davies (US), Cori OʼLan (AT)

Pianographique ist eine fortlaufende künstlerische Zusammenarbeit der Pianistin Maki Namekawa und dem Pianisten Dennis Russell Davies mit dem Visualisierungskünstler Cori O'Lan.

Rocio Berenguer (ES/FR)

Im Jahr 2030 führt uns ein Mensch-Pflanzen-Hybrid auf eine Reise durch die Vergangenheit und enthüllt die Ursprünge der G5, des ersten politischen Gipfeltreffens von Interspezies. Die Veranstaltung wurde von IOFLE initiiert, der Interspezies-Organisation für die Zukunft von Leben auf der Erde. Als Gründer werden der Künstler Rocío Berenguer und der IA-Mitarbeiter IAGOTCHI vermutet.

EMAP group exhibition: Quarantine
Robertina Šebjanič (SI), Gjino Šutić (HR), Anna Dumitriu, Alex May (UK), Tiziano Derme, Daniela Mitterberger (AT), Taavi Suisalu (EE), Quimera Rosa (FR/AR/ES), Kat Austen (UK/DE)

Over the last few years, the EMAP/EMARE network of media arts organizations have produced a multitude of works dealing with life-science and cybernetics that examine the fragile ecological equilibrium of life on Earth. A few of these artists find inspiration from scientific discoveries like archaea, a group of unicellular micro-organisms believed to be the oldest form of life on Earth. Other sources of inspiration include the impact of pharmaceuticals on life in the water and the sonic vision of bats. These artistic explorations envision future evolution in magical and often transgressive ways.

Future Focus – Fragile Worlds II
Victoria Bradbury, Suzy O’Hara, Ayodamola Tanimowo Okunseinde, Irini Papadimitriou, Paolo Cirio

This session builds on a series of provocations and discussion following from the Art Hack Practice series, exploring artistic practices and the role of art at a time of crisis, shifting spaces of production, care and labour in a precarious world.


The artistic proposal is presented as a curatorial articulation of multiple and heterogeneous work processes, but characterized by mutation. They are processes of works in mutation and on the mutation, like a seismograph of uncertainty. In their various formats, the works will be joined on the website of the UACh Réplica Gallery linked to the Ars Electronica Festival web platform.

Opera @ Deep Space 8K
Erick Oh (KR/US)

Opera ist ein Zyklus einer fünfminütigen Animation, die von dem preisgekrönten Filmemacher und Künstler Erick Oh geschaffen wurde.

What Matters Now?
Sarah Petkus (US)

Im Zuge der globalen COVID-19-Pandemie wurde das tägliche Leben gestört, wodurch ihm Raum für Veränderungen gegeben wurde; vom Komfort der Routine bis hin zur Energie, die die Schaffung elektronischer und robotergestützter Arbeit antreibt.

Identifying Successful STARTS Methodologies: Exhibition and Research Project
Pei-Ying Lin (TW), Giulia Tomasello (IT), Jen Keane (UK)

The exhibition presents the activities of the project, four of the eight case studies undertaken, and includes an installation of one of this years STARTS Prize 2020 Honorary Mention, Pei-Ying Lin’s Virophilia (2018-2020), an installation of Future Flora by designer Giulia Tomasello and winner of the STARTS Prize 2018 for Artistic Experimentation, alongside work from designer Jen Keane’s This is Grown project who received an Honorary Mention in 2019.

Ars Electronica .ART Gallery
.art Domains (UK), Ars Electronica Linz (AT)

Together with Ars Electronica, the team behind .art Domains hopes to open a dialogue with digital artists about the possibilities created by the introduction of new tools for online certification of artworks using the DNS system.

Mutations of the image. The revolt of photography

The first Valdivia International Festival of Photography, Directed by Carlos Fischer, was shaken by the revolt. The photographers changed their workshops on the streets. Lectures mutated. Images too. The abundant photographic material produced during those days in Valdivia, along with the video that reconstructs the convulsed days of the festival, make up an unexpected videogram of the revolt that can be viewed on the online platform of the Replica Gallery associated to UACh's Mutations project.

From Glass to Glass to Glass
Nye Thompson (UK)

Für meine neue Arbeit /artefact nahm ich ein großes Gebiet des Mars in Besitz, wobei ich Google Earth und Satellitenvermessungsdaten benutzte, um eine übergroße Grenzmauer um meinen Gebietsanspruch zu bauen. In diesem Video chatte ich mit der Kuratorin Lucy Dusgate, die das Werk ursprünglich in Auftrag gegeben hat, wobei unser keimneutrales, netzwerkgestütztes Gespräch über mein Marsterritorium übertragen wird.

Expanded Animation Symposium at UCA

The symposium Synaesthetic Syntax examines the interactions between animation and audio from a scientific perspective. Researchers and artists were asked to submit contributions on the subject of Synaesthetic Syntax: Sounding Animation/Visualising Audio. This scientific/artistic survey is kicked off by the media artist Rose Bond, who offers insights into her artistic work in public spaces, followed by panel discussions on the topics of "Hearing Color Seeing Sound", "In Front of Your Eyes and Ears", and "The Kinaesthetics of Music and Vision".

Ecosystem mutations. Wetland Removal.

An 8.5% of the surface area of Los Rios Region in southern Chile is made up of wetlands. Around the city of Valdivia, the presence of wetlands is particularly dense and some areas today are national monuments. A wetland is an ecosystem that is sometimes divided at the surface, but which constitutes a networked ecological continuum. Thus, to alter a part of the wetland is to modify the whole ecosystem. Promoting the convergence of different organizations, the Austral Garden program proposes an aerial route over the geography and natural environment where Universidad Austral de Chile is located. The purpose is that scientists and researchers can share their studies and reflections to spread the importance of wetlands, as well as showing the mutation of this natural eco-system.

Artificial Intelligence and its False Lies
Mika Satomi (JP/AT)

In diesem Rundgang führt Sie Mika durch den Entstehungsprozess von Artificial Intelligence and its False Lies (dt.: Künstliche Intelligenz und ihre falschen Lügen), von den ersten Fragen, die sie hatte und wie eine zur nächsten führte, über die Befragung von Wissenschaftlern, bis hin zum eigenständigen Lernprozess zur Erstellung eines künstlichen neuronalen Netzwerks.

S+T+ARTS at UCA: Understanding complex data in COVID times + Fashion: Materialising Numbers

As a specialist arts institution, UCA is 100% creative. UCA students develop their skills and thinking in environments that replicate the studios found within the creative industries, alongside peers on courses spanning arts, business and technology.Oscar-winning film makers and animators, world-renowned fashion designers, television presenters and Turner-Prize nominees are just some of UCA's high-profile graduates who have enriched the world with their creative talents. Taught and guided by experienced, industry-connected academic staff, students reap the benefits of studying at the highest-ranked creative specialist in the UK.

Leonardo S+T+ARTS: A conversation on "What's next? Art-Science ideas emerging from lockdown."
Camille Baker (CA/UK), Danielle Siembieda (US), Aurelie Delater (FR) and Marie Albert (FR)

During lockdown, Leonardo and STARTS collaborated to exchange and reflect, together with their wider communities, on how COVID-19 is impacting Art-Science/Art-Technology innovation and co-creation.

Acts of Substitution without Bodily Contact: Making Music in the Age of Quarantine
The Telharmonic Orchestra (AT) feat. Richard Garet (US) & Daniel Neumann (US/DE)

The Telharmonic Orchestra wurde 2020 von zehn Komponisten/Musikern während der COVID-Sperre 2020 an der Anton Bruckner Universität Linz gegründet.

Solar Walk @ Deep Space 8K
Réka Bucsi

Solar Walk, von der ungarischen Animationskünstlerin Réka Bucsi, ist eine Symphonie zwischen Menschen, Tieren, Kreaturen und unbelebten und unbekannten Objekten.