
Local Food Management
Ana Nešić (RS)
In September 2019, just before the Covid-19 pandemic started, the Small food producers of Serbia was founded. The idea was simple - connect people in cities with food producers from the rural parts of Serbia.

About the Art of Data
Mariano Sardón (AR)
A workshop about how to explore the relationship between data – information – expression. Considering multiple cultural backgrounds of participants, we’ll work on how to explore visual and sound formal resources for data visualization.

Home Kitchen: Designing with coffee waste
Chiara Farinea (IT)
The “Home Kitchen: Designing with coffee waste” workshop is an event organized by IAAC that focuses on “food and circular design”. During the event, attendants will discuss the most innovative and creative practices that have been developed in recent times for circular design of sustainable urban food systems and will give a demonstration of how it can be created an object designed from coffee waste.

Urban Auscultation
Aleyda Rocha (MX/ AT), Eveline Wandl-Vogt (AT), Mojdeh Siyadat (IR/ AT)
In a group of ten-fifteen people maximum (adjusting to covid rules), we will go on a walk at the surroundings of Ars Electronica; guided by a leader that will give instructions on the data collections to make; take careful notes about what happens and produce a series of experimental inventories or archives and a final cosmogram.

Speculum Maius and Studio M.A.R.S.
Studio M.A.R.S. (Music Art Research Science), (DE/ AT/ UK/ ES/ CN/ KE)
Speculum Maius (The Great Mirror) is a ground-breaking new opera that merges pioneering live VR technology together with live performance, created by Studio M.A.R.S.

Emergent Topographies of Vienna
Firas Safieddine (LB/ AT/ ES), Eveline Wandl-Vogt (AT)
Emergent topographies is a video installation, created by using artificial intelligence in the form of generative adversarial networks for creative production. Given the complexity of intelligence, be it synthetic or biological, the artwork operates in the friction space between citizen data science, urban dynamics, artificial intelligence and neuroscience; exploring the interaction through generating mutant topographies of brain data and citizen urban data using creative algorithms.

Workshop “KI x Mikrobiom”
Yoko Shimizu, Anastasia Bragina
Wenn menschliche Kreativität und maschinelles Lernen (KI) auf die ästhetische Formsprache von Mikroben treffen, finden erstaunliche Interaktionen statt. In diesem interdisziplinären Workshop tauchen Sie in die Welt der Kunst und Wissenschaft ein.

Neanderthal Programming for Sceptics
Deborah Hustic (HR), Paula Bucar (HR), Damir Prizmic (HR)
The intergenerational online workshop is intended for beginners of all ages willing to delve into the logic of the programming processes

Workshop Nature Data – Creative IoT
Goran Mahovlić (HR)
A Catalogue of Electro Entities is based on the spectrum of diverse ways to engage in the process of interactivity and interactions with electronic devices and objects we create.

Roots & Seeds XXI: Campus Cartographies
Veronika Krenn (AT), masharu (NL/RU), Raphael Perret (CH), Tiziana Centofanti (IT), Andreas Zingerle (AT), Markus Puschenreiter (AT), Franz Stürmer (AT)
The Campus Cartographies are an exploration of plant diversity in and around the Kepler Gardens taking place during this year’s Ars Electronica Festival in the framework of Roots & Seeds XXI. Together with host Veronika Krenn, the participants dive into one aspect that has a critical impact on our plant life: the soil that is its basis for growth.