Siri, such “Programmiererin”: Was tun gegen den Digital Gender Divide in Österreich?Ars Electronica x Initiative Digitalisierung Chancengerecht, Ingrid Brodnig (AT), Christiane Spiel (AT), Gerfried Stocker (AT), Carina Zehetmaier (AT), Mariana Karepova (AT), Martina Mara (AT), Doris Schmidauer (AT)
In the context of Ars Electronica 2021, the “Initiative Digitalisierung Chancengerecht” (IDC) launched by Doris Schmidauer invites high-ranking experts from the fields of education, technology, business, culture and media to a panel discussion, which we will address the following questions: What are the causes of the digital gender divide? What concrete measures need to be taken in Austria to create digital equality of opportunity for women?