Aquaterrestrial Recolonization

Aquaterrestrial Recolonization

Predrag K. Nikolić (RS/BS), Kishan Munroe (BS), Giacomo Bertin (IT), Marko Jovanović (RS)

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Im Rahmen des Projekts Aquaterrestrial Recolonization zeichnen wir den aktuellen Zustand der umliegenden abgestorbenen Korallenriffe auf und füttern die KI mit diesen Daten, um einen wiederbesiedelten Meeresboden zu visualisieren; eine berechnete Darstellung, die die Teile des Planeten wiederherstellt, die die Menschheit zerstört hat. In unserem Projekt setzen wir die KI als Beschützer des Planeten Erde vor weiteren Zerstörungen ein. Uns treibt der Gedanke an, dass es vielleicht an der Zeit ist, einem anderen intelligenten Wesen etwas zu geben, das auf Logik und Berechnungen beruht und nicht auf Gier und Leichtsinn.


Dr Predrag K. Nikolić is an interactive media designer, media artist and researcher. In his creative practice, he focuses on singularity, posthumanism, AI juxtaposition and emancipation. His art and research project Syntropic Counterpoints has been exhibited worldwide. He is a professor at the University of The Bahamas and the founder of AI.R LAB Science.

Kishan Munroe is a documentarian and multidisciplinary artist whose practice comprises painting, drawing, photography, film, installation art and engineering. Fortified by historical analysis, he uses his structures, documentary footage and the composition of visual commentary as catalysts for the social consciousness of underexplored narratives.

Giacomo Bertin is a Physics of Data student at the University of Padova who holds a bachelor’s degree in physics with a thesis in computational methods for drug discovery. He is a machine learning engineer and artificial intelligence developer who is part of the Syntropic Counterpoints project and co-founder of AI.R LAB Science.

Marko Jovanović is a software engineer with vast experience in working with creative interactive technologies. As a machine learning engineer, he joined the Syntropic Counterpoints project when it began in 2016. In addition, he is co-founder of AI.R LAB Science.