
Better Factory – Presentation and Panel

Better Factory Consortium Representatives (EU)

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Donnerstag, 8. September 2022, 14:30 - 15:20
Alle Termine werden in der Mitteleuropäischen Sommerzeit (MESZ / UTC+2) angegeben.
KEPLER’S GARDENS, Festival University Stage

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 858 7003 4778, Passcode: 013605

Better Factory provides a methodology for manufacturing SMEs to collaborate with artists and supplies them with the technology to become cyber-physical systems, transforming them into Lean-agile production facilities capable of manufacturing new and personalised products along with existing ones. The project brings together key actors in the European technology, art and innovation landscape to provide an integrated innovation framework to deliver a standardized solution for Manufacturing SMEs to invent and manufacture new and personalized products and create services around them.


Marjorie Grassler (FR), Möbius, works as a European communications executive at the Mobile World Capital Foundation. Her previous background in journalism, communication, and research has led her to contribute to European investigations and to work for public institutions to promote transparency and Open data. As a result of her participation in European projects, she has published articles on digital skills, industry 5.0, 5G, and the book industry. She holds a PhD in journalism and communication sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Paula Cervera (ES), Better Factory, holds a bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering (2017) from Technical University of Valencia (Spain), and a Master in Aeronautical Management (2018) from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Since 2018 she has been dedicated to project management and, specifically to EU projects, working on proposal preparation and implementation co-coordination of projects related to the automotive, aeronautics, energy and industry 4.0 sectors. She also has experience in the execution of exploitation related tasks, including marketability assessment, value proposition definition and specific business plan preparation, among others. She joined the Mobile World Capital Barcelona European Projects Department in 2022, working as European Projects R&D Executive for different H2020 projects.

For Better Factory, Lucas Evers (NL) is Head of Programme of the Make team at Waag and leading Waag’s Open Wet Lab. He is actively involved in several projects that concern the interactions between the arts and sciences, arts and ethics and the arts and innovation in contemporary makers culture. With the Make group he researches societal and ecological matters through hardware, production processes and materials.The Open Wet Lab is a laboratory where arts, sciences, engineering and the public meet to research biotechnologies and their impact in the context of society and ecology.